.:. A Plan.:.

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Beetle huffed, her head lowering. Alpha stood by the shelf of scrolls, taking one down.

"Can you even change your scales Macaw?" he asked, struggling to unroll the rolled up piece of paper. Macaw sighed, a puff of smoke leaving his snout. 

"I can.. but  its only for a limited amount of time.." The RainWings scale changed to a light shade of purple before changing back. Alpha nodded, looking down at the scroll. 

"I don't think it will take you that long, Shallow's office isn't that far from the library." Crow chirped in, his wings folding in a bit more. Beetle smiled, lifting her head. Macaw sighed, giving in, his scales changing to match one of the teacher Rainwings with bright shades of orange and purple. Beetle bounced on her talons, a big smile making its way on her lips. 

"now go hurry! We'll be in mine, Alpha, and Mamba's dorm." she waved her wings, motioning for the others to follow her out of the library. Macaw gave a small nod, following them out of the library and down the opposite hall, his long talons clicking along the stone floor. Beetle watched as he left, letting out a soft sigh.

   Beetle impatiently tapped her talons on the floor, jumping slightly as she felt a wing brush against hers. 

"What do you think he found?" Alpha asked, breaking the silence. Beetle shrugged, glancing over at him. Alpha smiled, nudging her again.

"You alright Beetle?" Crow turned to look at her as she lost her balance, falling against him. guess Alpha didn't know his own strength. The hybrid gave a small nod as she sat up, leaning her head against Crow's pale scales. Alpha chuckled, lowering his head to look at Beetle. 

"what if he found an enchanted scroll? maybe one to make your mother not hate IceWings?" he smiled, straightening his posture, his eyes narrowing. 

"I'm ShallowMind and i'm a mean old Mud-NightWing who as a strong hatred for IceWings. Raaaaaaawr!" the MudWing pushed his muzzle against Crow. 

"What are you doing near my daughter Ice Dragon? I'll eat you alive for this!" he growl, his voice low and raspy, attempting to mimic Shallow. The group laughed as Alpha mimicked the school's battle teacher. Beetle nudged him with her tail, her smile returning. 

"Alpha! what if my mother heard you?" she giggled, lifting her head from Crow's shoulder. 

"She'd have your head!" she turned to see a purple and orange RainWing walk into the dorm. 

"I got the scrolls.." Macaw muttered, dropping several scrolls on the ground, his scales returning to their usual colors. 

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