.:.Bird Song.:.

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Snowbird gave a swift nod, her tail swaying behind her.

"Indeed, I'm the king's messenger." she smiled, looking to where Beetle was, her eyes narrowing.

"An egg?.." the pale pink IceWing stepped forward,lowering her head to get a closer look at the pale blue egg.

"Thats.." she muttered, lifting her head. Beetle watched the IceWing move around, shifting on her talons.

"No matter.come come, we need to get going." SnowBird smiled once more, turning to meet the dragonets. Macaw sighed, readying himself to change his scales once they got to the palace.

"IceWing, mind if I hitch a ride on you back?" Snowbird asked, her head tilting a bit. Crow turned to Beetle, waiting for her approval. The SandWing hybrid soon gave a small nod, her wings shifting before they opened. Snowbird smiled as Crow lowered himself to the ground, climbing on his back.

"What lovely spines." Snowbird lightly ran a talon over one of Crow's blue and black spines. Beetle shook her head, lifting herself in the air, flinching as she put weight on her injured leg.

"So.. mind telling us more about this.. King Crystal." Macaw soon asked, breaking the few long moments of silence in the air. Snowbird lifted her head, meeting the RainWing's gaze.

"Well.. his scales are the most beautiful shade of grey blue.." Snowbird began.

"But not as beautiful as yours ice dragon." She chuckled. Crow lowered his head, turning to look at Beetle, giving her an apologetic look. Beetle sighed and turned away, keeping her gaze forward.

"Anything else?" Tavi piped in, his eyes with interest. Snowbird looked up at the sky, thinking.

"Hm..well, his eyes are a lovely shade of blue that perfectly match the jewels on his crown." crown.. Beetle thought to herself. Of course he'd have one, he was a king, but she had never heard of a king actually ruling over a kingdom, it was usually the queen who gave orders. Another flower had fallen off of Beetle's leg splint as she flapped her wings,lowering down at the earth below. The land had slowly begun to turn whie as they entered the IceWing territory, a cold breeze caused Beetle to shiver as she went to fly close to Crow but decided to keep her distance till that pink IceWing was away. Snowbird narrowed her eyes at Beetle, the red stone of her necklace began to radiate a faint glow before dying out.

"How rude.. Trying to keep a dragon away from her own tribe." Snowbird pouted.Beetle lifted her head at the IceWing's word.

"How did you.." Beetle muttered, meeting the IceWing's gaze. Snowbird chuckled, resting her head on Crow.

"It's not very hard to tell, love. You've been avoiding me this whole trip." She scoffed. Beetle growled under her breath, turning her gaze forward, being met with a faint silhouette of a large palace.

"Just up a head." Snowbird called out, pointing her talon.

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