.:.He's Coming.:.

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Hello hello. Very sorry for the long wait, these last few pages were a bit harder to write since it's near the end of the book and book 2 is gonna be even more difficult to write, but don't worry, I'm starting to take notes and get a better feel for the story since now I have a basic storyline rather than having a very, VERY rough idea.

Small warning for these next few chapters though,there will be mentions of some sensitive topics from here till the next A/N at the start of a chapter so just a small heads up. The will be a summary of the book near the end, just incase you do need to skip the ending

Enjoy! :]

Long pale talons tapped against the icey floor as King Crystal paced around, a wide smile stretched across his lips as he stepped forward

"Oohoohoo, wonderful! Two Tribrids among us! I assume you've met with Queen Sunfire and her dragonets?" he turned away looking to the two IceWing's that had entered the room, One was muscular, tall, deep blue armor plated across her scales. The other, a much smaller, scrawier IceWing followed after her, he shared the same armor that she had but a small blade was wrapped on his tail to make up for the lack of any tail spikes.

"Rime! Hare! How wonderful for you to join us!." Crystal spun around, waving his talon to greet the two. The large IceWing, perhaps known as RIme, sighed, adjusting her grip on the spear in her stained talons.

"Sir, Queen Sunfire would like to speak-"

"She wants to know when you'll be available for a meeting, she isn't very happy with your.. Last choice of action." Hare piped in, nervously glancing around the room. When he met Rime's gaze, her eyes narrowed.

"Hmm.. That'll be a later matter, these dragonets." The IceWing spun back around, lowering his head.

"They are a more important matter!"

"Has the MudWing queen answered my messages? I need to discuss some things with her. Do you think cows will be a good payment?"

Beetle shifted her talons uncomfortably, keeping an eye on the egg.

He's coming.

Beetle's ears lifted slightly. Back? Again? She shook her head, dipping her head to the king.

"Excuse me one moment. I have something to take care of." She hurried to the door of the throne room, talons clicking against the ice as she slid out of the palace, stopping in the snow to take a breath, ignoring the confused and concerned glances she was getting.

Who is?

Beetle shook out her scales, clearing her throat, and padding along the center of the marketplace, acting like one of many dragons casting gazes at the various goods set upon shelves and piled in baskets. A small tent with a red dragon in it seemed like the perfect place to stay low, amber eyes scanning the many, many rings resting a top a velvet cloth.

The king! The new king.

The sand tribrid pointed to a pearl ring, the most likely skmdwing hybrid nodded happily, lifting the ring front the counter and handing it to Beetle.

New king? But the kingdoms havent assigned any new kings? Especially not the unclaimed territory, my mother would lose her mind if they did.

Lifting her talons up and taking the ring from the shopkeep, carefully sliping it passed one of her claws, admiring how the dark blue sphere glistened in the sun.

Oh no no no, he's coming to take back his crown! The NightWings! Don't go to the NightWing kingdom!

Beetle flinched as the voice yelled, sounding like it was right next to her, but returned her focus to the shop keep, smiling as she got a better look at their scales. A red, with a mix of darker and lighter mixing around the smooth surface, a small pair of gold rimmed glasses resting upon her snout.

"Would you like the pearl changed?" the Skywing hybrid smiled, rating one of her talons on the counter, motioning to a small box of variously colored orbs.

Wasn't planning on it. The Skywing queen is here to speak with Crystal. Any idea on what that's about?

"Oh..uhm. They mean something?" Beetle slipped the ring off, carefully minding her claws as she placed it one the velvet cloth. The Skywing chuckled, opening the box and placing a pearl on the counter.

"They do! That one there, the royal blue one, it means elegance." they pointed to the ring, their eyes now shifting over to the one on the cloth.

"A that one, the black one, it means luck."

Beetle watched as the Skywing lifted the pearl, placing it in a ring.

"You look like you might need this, a rare little trinket to bring some luck to your day." a ring cover talon handed the ring to Beetle.

Her and him were talking about going down to help the NightWing king, an ongoing match of conflict must've finally flickered into the flame of war.

The brown tribrid nodded, thanking the SkyWing shopkeep for the ring, lightly tossing some scales on the counter to pay for the royal blue one before hurrying back to the palace.

Do you know if he'll be there? The one you've been warning me about.

Beetle sighed as she slipped the royal blue, pearl ring in her pouch, slipping the black one on her claw.

Not that I know of, He mentioned something about SkyWings but I barely heard as I was writing scrolls.

Scrolls.. An animus? Right. Right! You're an animus, correct?

Right. I am. He's been using my gift for his own gain, something I never wanted. 


aha- okay so, this is alot shorter than I would've liked but hey, it's something at least. as stated above, the next few chapters will have some heavier topics. 

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