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Slow paced filler towards the start-

[sorry for so many filler chapters,I promise there's some good stuff coming up]


Claws annoyingly tapped against the cliff, a huff leaving the Icewing king.

"Rime, dear, are you sure you've gotten the right large sea tribe?" Crystal asked, leaning over trying to look for any possible sign of the dragon. Rime reached to grab for his tail, making sure he didn't slip off, sighing.

"Yes sir! T-they should be here any moment now." Hare was quick to jump in, lifting his head and looking towards the king.

"Their kingdom is quite far from ours." Rime added in, letting go of the Icewing's tail once he had stepped away from the ledge.

A large body started moving through the water, nearing the cliff. It was huge. Much larger than any of the other tribes here.

"Aw, perfect, and who might be taking us on our journey?" King Crystal asked, waiting for the head of the dragon to lift from the waters.

"Viperfish." The dragon spoke, lifting it's head and turning to look at the group of dragonets.


The dragonets, guards,and the king carefully flew down, resting on the back of the large creature.

"Hold on."Viperfish lowered their head, starting to swim forward, the sudden movement almost causing some of its passengers to fall off.

"And how's your king doing? I heard mentions of a meeting with the Buzz, Forest, and Thunderwings, would you happen to know why?" Crystal asked, relaxing his posture a bit. Bright luminescent scales started to glow in a code like pattern, Tavi looking down at the scales he could view, without the risk of slipping.

"Ah, I see, I see." The king nodded, chuckling a bit.

"It does hurt that I wasn't invited though,me and him really need to catch up."

The undersales started to glow in patterns again, Tavi trying to fill in the blanks of words he had been missing.

The travel felt slow, but they seemed to be in a new territory each time their eyes met the land. A beach rested at the edge of the salty waters, a large rainforest sitting behind it. The king hummed as he tapped his talons on the large scales below.

Their travel ended with the Deepwing stopping near another ledge that hung from above.

"Enjoy your stay at the kingdom,I'll be sure to tell the king that you'd like to be at the next meeting." the large sea dragon chuckled. Rubbing the salt water from his eyes. Crystal smiled and looked to Rime, who took out some scales from a small, leather pouch, handing the to the Deepwing.

The dragonet's followed the king up to the ledge, talons resting on the red clay and stone of the kingdom.

Beetle had never really gotten a good look at the SkyWing kingdom. Well, the last time she was here, she was taken to the arena.

The palace was set near the arena, a bridge that wrapped around the top of the area connecting them. Large red clay mountain like structures rose from the ground, small caves were carved into the structures, possibly used for homes.

"Rainwing, love, Could you change your scales?" King Crystal padded forward, walking along a faint path, the Icewing royal never turned his gaze from what was in front of him. Macaw groaned, shifting the scales that could change colors to shades of oranges and reds, trying to have his firescales blend.

Nearing the large red palace. Large dragon statues rested on either side of the palace entrance,Guards stood tall, shapr spears held tightly in their talons as they watched the large group near.

"The King of the Icewing kingdom, King Crystal, is here on request from queen Sunfire." Rime spoke loud and clear, her voice low as she addressed the king.

"And what about the dragonets. I don't recall the Queen requesting children in her throne room." One of the guards spoke after clearing his throat, shifting slightly.

"They're with me, now if you would please, we're in a bit of a rush." King Crystal chirped, stepping forward as he waited for the large doors to open, one of the guards nodding as the other, who had spoken to them, turned to look away.Crystal smiled as his request was met, being the first to walk through the doorway, the other dragons behind him following shortly after. A long maroon carpet stretched down the hall, various pictures and scrolls hung on the stone walls.

The large throne room stood at the end of the hall, a chill running down Beetle's spine. She remembers back when they were called down there, the chilling tone in the way that the queen had spoken to them, forcing them out there for her daughter's entertainment. The chillin cries of the dragons being slaughtered out there.

More guards stood outside of the throne room, the faint sound of chatter growing ever so slightly louder as the dragonets neared.

"King Crystal, lovely seeing you." one of the guards spoke up, they were young, perhaps new to the job, their scales not as bright red as the SkyWing on the other side of the door, rather a soft golden orange.

"Are the dragonets with you?" The dimmer red Skywing asked, straightening his posture a bit. Rime nodded, watching Hare speak up.

"Friends of the king." The scrawny Icewing smiled as the orange Skywing nodded, they and their partner moving a side for everyone to step through the doors.

Queen Sunfire sat atop her throne, wings neatly folded at her sides, a warm smile spreading across her lips as her eyes rested upon the group.

"Ah king Crystal, lovely to see that you could join us!" The skywing queen carefully got down from the large throne, touching her muzzle with the Icewing king.

"Would you all mind joining me on a walk? Hare, Rime, you two can go down stairs, there should be some other guards there that you can chat with." Sunfire turned to the guards, her smile widening as they nodded and headed towards the exit at the other end of the throne room. 

The guards exited the room, a small squeak coming from Hare was the last they had heard from them before the door shut. 

"Crystal, dragonets. mind joining me on a walk?" Sunfire strutted by, her wings refolding at her sides as she padded forward, long curl talons tapping against the carved stone flooring. Beetle turned to look at the king, staying in place until she was sure of his next actions, motioning for the others to follow once she saw him get up and move. 

''Rainwing. Would you mind staying for a bit longer?"

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