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Beetle found herself in what appeared to be a very small cell. she shook her head, trying to rid it off the strong pain that still stung the back of her skull. she glanced around the cell, soon realizing where she was. Stuck in a tight space with none of the other dragonets around her, she rushed over to the iron bars that get her in her prison, she sighed, seeing the others in cells around her. 

"Macaw, is the egg still okay?" She called over to the RainWing, even if she wasn't sure where he was. 

"Try asking the MudWing." Macaw's monotone voice was heard just from the left of her. Beetle's amber eyes scanned over the cells before finally resting on the MudWing. she smiled as she saw his tail was wrapped around the egg, he was quickly humming a song, but sadly it was ended by the sound of talons clicking against the floor. A SkyWing guard walked over to Tavi cell, which just so happened to be next to Crow's cell.

"C'mon SeaWing, Queen SunFire would like to have a little chat with you.." The SkyWing unlocked the cell as he spoke, dragging Tavi out by the chains that conected to a muzzle, his wing clasps, and a thick band around his neck, everyone in the prison had them, each band or clasp had a small , glowing red jewel which probably meant they were animus enchanted. Beetle narrow her eyes at the guard, she tail slowly swaying behind her. Two more guards came walking down the hall once the other one had left with Tavi, they walked up to each of the dragonet's cells, unlocking them. 

"Stay quiet, all of you and don't speak before the queen." A light orange SkyWing growled, tugging on Crow's chains. the walk to the throne room was silent apart from the sound of talons hitting the ground and chains clinking together. they soon entered a large throne room, a large dark pinkish SkyWing sat on a beautiful golden throne, different colored jewels scattered around it. 

"ah..Dragonets welcome.." The pink Skywing dipped her head to them, her eyes narrowing a bit. Beetle had a feeling that this was queen SunFire, she had only just read about her, but she knew she intentions weren't good.

"I haven't had a hybrid in my arena in a long while." Sunfire smiled, her violet eyes resting on Beetle, Crow, and Macaw. The queen turned to one of the guards that stood at the sides of her throne, getting a small nod back in response. 

"A punishment for the murder of Smoke, you will have to fight for your lives in my glorious arena!" she finally blared out, puffs of smoke leaving her jaws as each word passed her lips. Beetle froze, she went to speak but her jaws were clamped shut, biting her tongue instead. 

"Take them back to the prison but keep the the hybrid here." Sunfire smiled as her eyes rested on Crow. Beetle shook her head, launching herself forward. The SkyWing queen hissed, lowering her head to meet Beetle's gaze.

"on second thought.. Get that one ready instead.."  She gave a toothy grin as the guards nodded, two of them tugging away the dragonets back to the cells as one grabbed Beetle, tugging her forward and out of the room. they made their way down the hall before waiting in front of some iron bars. Slowly, the bars rose, the guard tugging Beetle out into a large open area, dragons from different tribes filled up the seats in the arena, a SeaWing chained up on the other side of the open area. The guard removed Beetle's muzzle, the band falling to her talon's, still connected to the chain. The SeaWing hissed and growled, clawing at the ground, they looked thin and dehydrated, like they could attack at any moment. 

"Welcome everyone to today's battle!" a familiar voice boomed from above. Beetle turned her gaze to see Queen SunFire and only what Beetle could assume was princess Flint. 

"Today we have a very exciting battle set up for you all!" Princess Flint added in, her bright orange eyes rested on the SeaWing. 

"Today we have Sponge of the SeaWings and Beetle of the Sand, Mud, and NightWings! A hybrid!" Her smiled widened as those orange eyes landed on Beetle. 

"Claws up! Tails ready! Fight!" 

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