.:.Can You See It?.:.

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Beetle felt her head hang low as she followed the others, her talons scrapping away the soft earth as she lifted along. the sun beamed down on the, it hot rays almost distracting her from the cold air that surrounded them. Beetle's eyes trailed around to look at the dragonets around her, she felt tired, worn down. she watched as Tavi made a comment and Macaw roll his eyes, looking away from the SeaWing to hide his smile, Alpha and Angelfish laughed at a possible joke one of them had made. the world around her felt blurred, the sounds merging into one. A slight nudge to her shoulder soon took her out of the weird, blurred world abd back to reality. 

"Hey Beetle, you feeling alright?" Crow asked, lowering his head to meet her gaze. Beetle flinched at the touch, giving a small nod as a response. 

"You know, It'd be nice if we took a little walk around before we have the stress of getting caught by IceWing guards.." The IceWing chuckled, lifting his head to look forward. Beetle gave a breathless laugh, her gaze lifting from the ground. 

"I suppose it would be. Do you remember what it's like in the IceWing kingdom?" Beetle's voice quietly died of as she asked, watching Alpha laugh at something Angelfish said only for her to lightly nudge him. Crow shrugged, his eyes trailing along the passing scenery. 

"I know it's cold.. there's a long  green ocean that stretches across the territory, most of the structures are made of ice or stone." Crow attempted to explain, some of his word's sound unsure. Beetle nodded, trying to picture the land scape, closing her eyes.

"I guess the scrolls were right.. it sound beautiful." She smiled, her eyes fluttering open again. Crow gave a small nod, his wings half unfolding. 

"From what I remember it was." Crow lifted his gaze to Macaw who had made a comment neither of the two dragonets have heard. 

"There." The brightly colored RainWing pointed a tailon in the direction of a pale pink IceWing, pink? How odd. Beetle narrowed her eyes, padding forward to get a closer look as the unfamiliar dragon, the others soon following suit. Beetle lowered her head to glance the dragoness over, she pale pink scales beautifully being pair with white ones.Beetle's eyes widened a bit as she saw the place where wings should be but instead were replaced by scars.

"Is she alive?" Alpha quietly whispered. Angelfish turned to Crow, tilting her head in the direction of the other dragon.

"I'll.. check." Crow quietly mumbled, stepping forward, lifting his head to turn at look at the other dragonets after a few moments.

"I don't see any wounds." The Ice-Nightwing sighed, walking away from it. Macaw shrugged.

"Then we should leave her." He flicked his tail, eyes narrowing at the dragoness.

"We should, what if she wakes up and attacks us?" Tavi nodded, standing firmly by Macaw's side. The Rainwing huffed, shaking his head.

"Or.." Angelfish padded forward, sitting down by the dragoness.

"We could help her. Maybe, she could help us." The tribrid smiled,opening her bag of medical supplies, searching through the various herbs. Alpha tilted his head.

"Like?"the MudWing stepped forward, looking for Angelfish's shoulder.

"Like protecting us from IceWing guards." She smiled,shaking her head, and closing the leather bag. Crow bit his tongue, his eyes narrowing at the pink IceWing.

"But isn't that why we have Crow? He was born here after all.." Beetle piped up, meeting Angelfish's gaze.

"Queen's change Beetle and Crow hasn't been here for years." Alpha added in, lightly resting his head on Angelfish's shoulder.

"Exactly why we need an IceWing familiar with the area. Sorry Crow." Angelfish never met the IceWing's eyes as she spoke, placing the pouch around her neck as she stood. Alpha stood, waking forward and placed a talon on the IceWing.

"She's cold.."He mumbled. Macaw puffed a few small clouds of smoke, standing to stretch.

"Then she's alive.. We've established that. Can we go now?" The Rainwing opened his jaw in another yawn, sighing afterwards.

"And leave a poor dragoness behind?" A soft voice asked, Beetle felt her ears perk, turning to look for where the voice had come from. It was quiet femine, a soft accent caused some of the words to sound off. The pale IceWing stood, stretching her talons.

"I'm alive you know.. Just sleeping." The IceWing chuckled, her eyes narrowing at Macaw.

"You heading to the IceWing kingdom." She asked, the amber necklace she had around her neck glimmered in the sunlight, the bright red ruby stood out against the amber leaf.

"We are.."

"How'd you know?" Tavi stood, his eyes widening a bit. The Icewing's tongue slithered out of her mouth for a second as she pointed a taon at Crow and Angelfish.

"Why else would you have two IceWings with you?.." Her words trailed off as she looked the two over.

"Or.. part IceWings.."She muttered, turning away.

"And what do you have against hybrids?" Macaw spat, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh, nothing at all." She chuckled, spinning around on her heels to face the dragonets once again.

"Though I doubt king Crystal will be thrilled to see halfbreeds and a firescale in his kingdom." her eyes widened a bit as she mentioned firescales, her grey eyes darting to Macaw.

"On second thought... Why don't I take you to the king himself? I'm sure he'd love to meet some of you." The icewing looked down at her ring that perfectly matched her necklace, as she spoke, avoiding Macaw's harsh gaze.

"But.. we don't even know who you are.." Alpha straightened his posture, his tail wrapping around Angelfish.

"I'm Snowbird, king Crystal's messenger." Snowbird lifted her head, placing a talon on her chest as she spoke.

"Messenger.." Beetle mumbled, keeping an eye on the egg.

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