Chapter 1

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"Mommy?" I woke up to the sound of my daughter's voice. Sapphire stood at the bottom of the bed with her favorite stuffed animal. It was a stuffed unicorn that Andrew and Damian got her for her birthday. "What's wrong?" I yawned. "I had a nightmare." She sniffled. I sighed and patted to the area beside me. Sapphire ran over to the other side of the bed and got into bed beside me. I pulled the covers over her small frame. Sapphire snuggled into me. It was scary how much she looked like Derek. Sapphire's eyes started to droop.

I stroked her curly brown hair. Sapphire has only asked who her dad is only a few times but she stopped once I started dating a guy named Caesar.  I met Caesar when I went on a trip to Spain for vacation. I was at a beach called, "Cala Pi de la Posada". I can't really remember how we met at that beach but I do remember that I was on the ground with him on top of me, groaning. He quickly apologized and helped me up. I kept assuring him that it was fine but Caesar insisted that it was his fault and that he needed to make it up to me. He promised me that the next time he sees me, he'll buy me dinner. That's exactly what he did. The next time that he saw me was at an outdoor restaurant with a beautiful view. I was sitting with Sapphire, who was two at the time.

My mom had gone to the bathroom. Caesar walked up to us with a big grin. He greeted me with a smile and Sapphire with a few little goofy faces. For the rest of the night, Caesar and I talked. He even charmed my mom. That night was the night of a new love. I heard soft snores coming from Sapphire. I smiled down at her. I kissed her cheek before settling down and laying down beside her. I wrapped my arm around her before going to sleep.

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