Chapter 16

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After my encounter with Racheal, I haven't heard from her or Derek which is a big shocker. I tried to reach out to both of them but I haven't heard anything. I see them on the news a lot. Whenever they're on the news, Racheal's face looks so pained. It hurts me a lot. Yes, she was a total bitch but that doesn't mean she has to suffer from a loveless marriage. I've started planning the wedding with the help of Drew, Mia, and Riley no doubt.

Winter and Chris came to put their input on my wedding but nothing too serious. I was doing Sapphire's hair when a knock came from the door. I went towards it. I peeped out the peephole. It was Derek. I opened it but I stayed in the door so he couldn't just barge in. "Look who it is." I said. Chloe and Adrianna were holding his hands. "We need to talk." "Oh so now you wanna talk." I sassed. "Now's not the time." I could tell he was serious when I looked in his eyes. "Fine." I let them in. "Girls, go play in Sapphire's room. Your dad needs to talk to me." The girls obeyed me and ran into her room. "Now what do you-" I was cut off when Derek slammed me against the wall.

"What the hell did you tell Racheal?" He growled. "What are you-" Derek slammed his hand against the wall, scaring me. "You know damn well what hell I'm talking about! You told Racheal to leave me!" He shouted. "She was unhappy and I told her to leave if he wasn't willing to talk about it." I told him. "That wasn't your fucking call!" "Why does it matter anyway? You didn't give a damn about her." I said.

"Racheal left her ring and a note without a fucking trace and I can't find her." I could hear the anger in his voice. "She left to be happy." "Leaving your goddamn kids behind and not fucking signing divorce papers isn't the right way to do it! That fucking dumb bitch! I swear if I see her again, I'm gonna-" "You aren't gonna do shit, Derek." "Oh yeah." "Yeah." He gripped my arms and lifted me off the ground. "What are you gonna do about it?" He asked. I could only stare at him. Derek's eyes widened. He gently placed me back on the ground. He broke down, sliding down his knees in front of me.

Derek hugged my stomach as he cried. "I'm so pathetic. I should've never married her." Derek quietly sobbed. I could only stroke his hair. "Racheal." He cried. "Why?"

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