Chapter 12

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Derek tried to reach out to me but I ignored him. His brat of a daughter needs to learn how to shut her mouth. I was on my lunch break when someone entered my office. "Riley, I'm trying to relax here." I said. "But I'm not Riley." I looked up to see a blondish brown haired man with a little facial hair and blue eyes. "Hi Dami, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Drew wanted me to drop you off something to eat but it seems like you already had something to eat." He took a seat. "If you cooled it, I'll make room for it." Damian grinned as he handed the sack to me. I peeped inside of the sack. "Beef Stroganoff. My favorite." "Drew knew that you would like it." I licked my lips. "Should I leave you two love birds alone?" He joked.

"Yes." I laughed. "See you around Mercy. You have my number if you need me." Damian was close to the door. "Actually, I have a question." "Oh?" I nodded. I sighed a bit. "Does every white person think that just because of someone's skin color, that they are imperfect or that you can't be related because of their skin tone?" I asked. Damian didn't say anything at first. "Mercy, not every white person thinks the same.

Some are as accepting as others and don't mind and others aren't so accepting. Racism is taught to people of every race. Now if you believe that your race is superior, then that's your choice but skin doesn't define love or relation. So to answer your question, no, we don't all think like that." "Thanks and I'm sorry if I offended you." I frowned. "You didn't offend me.

Besides I don't think Derek would teach his girls that. I mean look at you. He fell for you, a strong and beautiful black. You might have to look at the other parent, not him." Damian told me. I slowly nodded. "Anywho I got to go. Drew wants me to meet him somewhere." "Ok. Be careful Dami." "Always."

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