Chapter 9

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Riley gave me a ride on her bike. Andrew decided to head home too. "Thanks Riley." I smiled. "No problem." Riley drove out of my drive through. I entered the apartment building. I got to my apartment floor. I was walking to my door when someone grabbed and pulled me into an empty dark corner. "Hi babe." Derek greeted. "Derek? What the hell are you doing here?" "I own this building, sweetheart."

I pushed him away. "Are you really denying me?" He questioned. "Yes. I'm engaged and a mother." "Of my kid." I rolled my eyes. "Look, you don't have to be with me but I do want Sapphire to get to know her older sisters. They deserve to know." Derek said. "You hurt me. How do I know you won't hurt her?" I crossed my arms, waiting on a response. "I wouldn't dream of hurting my girl. Please, she has to know her dad." Derek pleaded. I looked away.

I can't keep Sapphire away from the truth forever, can I?  He caressed my cheek. "Please baby?" He begged. Derek kissed my cheek and somewhat of my neck. I smacked his hand away and pushed him back. "This weekend at the park. You bring them and I'll bring her." I told him. Derek grinned. "But just so you know, if you try anything like that with me again or even hurt Sapph mentally, verbally, and I dare you to hurt her physically, I'm taking her away from you and I won't think twice about it either." I warned.

"Fair enough." "Good." I fixed myself up. "Have a good night, Kyle." I walked away. I made it to my apartment. Caesar and Sapphire were cuddled up close together on the couch. It was really adorable. I placed my bag on the table. I crouched down to pick her. For a four year old girl, Sapphire is a very heavy sleeper. She clung onto me like a koala did a tree. "Babe?" Caesar stirred awake. "Hey honey." I bounced a bit so Sapph wouldn't wake up. "Stay here, I'll go put her down." I walked into Sapphire's room.

I laid her on top of her bed covers. It wasn't night quite yet so I just left her in her clothes. When I walked back into the living room, Caesar was sitting up and propped on his elbow, snoring. I rolled my eyes while a small smile appeared on my lips. "Amado, wake up." I whispered. Caesar yawned as he stretched and opened his eyes.

He pulled me into his lap. "Welcome back, mi corazón." He rested his head in the crook of my neck. I felt him give me a few kisses on my neck. I chuckled a bit. Caesar was always the affectionate type. "Caesar, I need to ask you something." He looked up at me. "I-earlier today I saw Derek and his family. He asked me if he could meet Sapphire and allow her to meet older sisters."

"What did you say?" "I agreed but I don't want to go alone. Can you come with me?" I asked. Caesar sighed as his forehead landed on my shoulder. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I could ask Andrew, Damian, or Riley." I frowned. "I'll go, it's just that this is the first time that both Sapph and I are going to meet this guy." Caesar said. "I know." I stroked his hair. "But you have to promise that you won't run back to him." I cupped his cheeks as I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. I leaned in and kissed him."I promise."

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