Chapter 2

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I finished putting my robe back. I've been working on becoming a judge around my first year when I worked for Derek. I know it's weird. Working under a well known and famous business man to being a judge. I guess things change once you grow older. I just got done with a case. Huge bank robbery that resulted in the death of twelve people, two elderly and one police officer.

Two men and one woman were charged in the robbery. The leader was charged with third degree murder. The others were charged with robbery. Each got life without the possibility of parole. I sighed as I locked up my office. "Hola mi amor." I knew that voice very well "Hola mi caballero de brillante armadura." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You did good today cariño." "Thank you." We kissed. "So cariño, what are you doing tonight?" "I have to pick up Sapphire from Winter and Chris' then I'll probably play with her." Caesar nodded. "What about you?"

"Nothing. I was gonna ask if you and I could go out tonight. It's been a while since we had a date." "I'm sorry but maybe tomorrow we can go out." "I'd like that." I looked at my watch. "I have to go but I will see you tomorrow." "Alright." I was about to rush off but Caesar grabbed my hand and spun me back into his arms. "Forgetting something?" I chuckled a little. I kissed him. Caesar released me. "Be safe princesa." I blew him a kiss before leaving.

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