Chapter 3

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I knocked on Winter's and Chris' front door. Winter opened the front door. "Hi Mercy." She greeted me with a hug. "Hey." She moved out of the way so I could come inside. Sapphire was playing with Hakeem. Hakeem, my nephew, was bouncing up and down in his bouncer as he watched Sapphire dance. "They've been like this for a while." Winter smiled. We just watched them until Sapphire saw me.

"Mommy." Sapphire ran into my arms. "Hi honey." I smothered her face with kisses. I waved at Hakeem. Hakeem giggled at me. "We should get going. It's getting late. Thanks for babysitting." "No problem." Winter walked us out. I put Sapphire in her car seat. "So how's mommy life been?" I asked, fastening her seat belt. "Challenging but that's what I like about it." "Well when your little man gets older, trust me, it's gonna get more challenging but it's worth it." I closed the door. "I should go." "Alright be careful." I kissed Hakeem's cheek. He gave me a very slippery kiss on the cheek. Winter and I chuckled. I got into the car and drove off.

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