Chapter 8

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The whole next day, I could not keep my eyes off of my engagement ring. It was just so beautiful. "Judge Mercy is actually getting married? I can't believe it." Riley, my coworker and friend, smirked. "I can't believe it either." "Well I can." Andrew said," I mean who wouldn't want to claim you?" "Thanks Drew." I went back to looking at my ring. I was just so hypnotized.

"So how good was it?" "How good was what?" Both Drew and Riley smirked. "Oh my god! You two are nosy as hell." "Hey don't get mad at us for wanting to know if he put it down or not." Riley chuckled. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help the smile that was threatening to split my face. "Oo. So he did put it down." Andrew grinned. I looked away with a small smile on my face. "You got to tell us the details." Riley said. "No way!" "Yes way."

"What Caesar and I did last night is none of your and definitely none of your business." Drew and Riley pouted like children. I laughed loudly. "Is that Derek?" Riley asked. I looked over my shoulder. Derek was sitting at a table across the street with a woman with black hair and two little girls, who looked a little older than Sapph.

"Is that?" My suspicion was correct when the woman turned her head to the side. It was Racheal. Derek spotted me. Soon Racheal looked over here. She looked in disgust. "I really hate that bitch." Andrew growled. I placed my hand on his. Racheal looked at me more specifically. "We should leave before Andrew beat her ass." Riley insisted. "Yeah." My eyes never left Racheal. We all stood up. Riley and I had to grab Andrew's arms before he would run and attack her. "She's lucky that you two are here, or I would've snatched that wig off her fucking head." Andrew snarled. Riley and I giggled.

So Derek and Racheal had twins before I got pregnant with Sapphire. Then claimed he loved me. Sounds like Derek. I checked the time. "I should go, Caesar and Sapphire should be back at home." I said. "You gotta leave?" "Yeah." "Come on, I'll drive you home."

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