Chapter 13

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Mia was sitting at the kitchen table, eating a sandwich and flipping through a magazine. Sapphire was on the floor watching tv and eating mac n cheese. I sat at the table with her. "Have you found a dress for a wedding that hasn't been planned yet?" I chuckled. "Yeah." I chuckled a bit. "I can't deal with you."

"But you love me." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "So how long are you staying anyway?" I asked. "Until the end of summer and when university starts." "Sounds good." Mia and I were chatting away until I heard a knock at the door. "I guess Caesar decided to drop by." I went towards the door and opened it.

Derek was standing there. A bad gash on his side could be seen. He smelled of alcohol too. "Mercy." He coughed up some blood. Derek practically fell into my arms. His blood was messing up my shirt but right now I don't have time to be mad. "Easy Derek." I managed to get him to the couch. Mia gave me the first aid kit quickly. I used some type of cloth to apply pressure to the stab wound.

Sapphire looked on with sad eyes as she saw her father sitting on the couch with a terrible stab wound. "Mia, I'm gonna take off the cloth so I could carefully stitch him up, I need you to try and keep the wound a bay so he doesn't bleed out." I said. "Understood." She nodded. I slowly removed the cloth. The bleeding was as bad as it used to be but it was still pretty bad. I began to treat his wound. Derek tensed up and flinched a lot. "I need you to stay still."

"Trying. Not easy to do when you have someone putting alcohol on a nearly open wound." Derek growled. "Shut up and stop being a baby." Sapphire sat by him and held onto his arm. Even through the pain, Derek still managed to give her an assuring smile. I finally managed to patch and stabilize him. Mia had left us alone after a while and took Sapphire with her. I was cleaning up my equipment. "Thank you for helping me out...some people would've just let me bleed out." Derek said. "Well I'm not "some people" Kyle."

"Calling me by my last name I see. " I could hear the humor in his voice. I fell silent. "Listen, I know that you are still mad at Chloe and I but I would never teach my girl that and you know this. If I were prejudiced, Sapphire wouldn't even be here right now. Hell, I wouldn't even be sitting on your couch right now asking for help." He explained.

"Then why did your little girl say that to my girl?" I quired. "Chloe might've heard that on a movie that Racheal watches sometimes. I don't know for sure." "What I do know is that you need to check what your daughter is taking in and what your wife is spitting out." I sat down across from him. "Tell me what happened to you." I ordered. "Heh. Where do I start? I was drinking and partying at a nearby bar.

All I remember is getting into an argument with some dick and the next thing I know is I'm banging on your door, bleeding out." Derek explained. "But why though?" Derek shrugged. "I don't remember." I nodded. "Mercy, can I be real with you?" "Yeah." "I never stopped loving you and I still want you. I get that it isn't fair but I can't change the way I feel. When I couldn't find you, I was heartbroken. Everyday, even after I moved in with Racheal and the girls, my heart beat for you constantly." He confessed.

"Derek…" "It was never lust with you, it was always love at first sight. I just want you. I don't care about her." "Derek, I've moved on. Caesar makes me extremely happy and he filled in your spot. Our girl looks up to him in so many ways. I love him." I said. "So you have no love left for me?" Derek leaned in close to my face. "I do but…" Derek began to kiss me. "Stop." Derek didn't listen to me.

"Just for tonight." Derek mumered. I gave in a bit. I pushed him away. "Listen to me, we are not together and I still love you but only as a friend. Nothing more and nothing less." Derek pulled away. "I'm gonna turn in. The guest room is across from Sapphire's room. Night." I quickly dashed into my room. I locked my door. I sighed. Tears started to stream down my face. Why now, Derek? Why not earlier?

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