Chapter 15

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I took Sapphire to her favorite place in the whole entire world. The zoo. It was just her and I today. "Mommy look." She pointed at Siberian tiger and her cubs. The cubs were wrestling with each other while their mother just stared at us. Her golden eyes were watching us. Sapphire stood close to the glass. The mother stalked towards us. She and Sapph would've been touching if it wasn't for the glass.

Sapphire placed her hand on the glass. The mother placed her paw exactly where Sapph's hand was. "I think she likes you." I whispered in her ear. "I like her too." We could hear her purr from the other side. "I wonder what her name is." I looked around for a card or something that held information. "Adia and those two are Diarra and Rafiki." "Seeing as there are no signs or anything, those are their names." Sapphire was so entranced by Adia that her eyes sparkled.

"Tigers are unique yet beautiful creatures, aren't they?" A woman's voice said. "Yeah they are." I stood up. I looked to my left. Racheal was standing there. Her hands behind her back and her cold stare was on me. "Racheal." "Hi Mercy. It's been a while." She gave me a smile.

Even behind the smile, you could see through her bullshit. "It has." I squinted my eyes as if I was trying to spot any sign of foul play. Then that's when Adrianna and Chloe ran over to the enclosure. "Look Chloe, she's beautiful." Adrianna said, pointing to Adia. "I see her, Adrianna." Sapphire stayed quiet as the other girls talked. She started to play with her fingers. "Hey Sapph." Adrianna pulled her into a hug while Chloe held her head down. "Why don't you, the girls, and I have lunch together? My treat." Racheal suggested. I thought about it for a bit. "Sure why not." "Come on Sapph." I called. Racheal called her girls over to us as well.

Sapphire held on to my hand as we walked. Adrianna walked alongside her while Chloe stayed hidden on the other side of Rachael. "I haven't seen you in four years. How have you been?" She asked. "Fine. How about you?" "I've been amazing. From having my girls to spending time with Derek a lot more." I could tell she purposely mentioned Derek but for what I don't know. We made it to a small restaurant near the zoo's kiddie park. Adrianna and Sapphire talked up a storm.

Chloe sat with them but she was quiet. "Derek told me that you were getting married." I nodded. "What is he like?" "Caesar is very handsome and a very gentle guy. Sapphire looks up to him." I took a sip of my water. "Oh?" I didn't say anything else. "What do you want Racheal?" "I can't just talk to an old friend?" I saw right through her smile.  Racheal sighed. "Fine, I need your advice." She admitted. "About?" "Derek. He isn't acting like his usual self anymore."

"I thought it was amazing spending time with him." "It's not. All we do is argue and fight. He'll be a good father to our girls but to me...he's a very neglectful husband. I think Derek is planning on divorcing me. What should I do?" "How long has he been like this?" "For at least six months. I can't remember." Racheal began to sob. "If you're unhappy then I would say leave him but only if he doesn't try to talk it out." "But I love him." I frowned as she continued to cry. "But is your love for a selfish man better than your own happiness?" I questioned.

"I guess not." Silence fell between us. "Mercy, I want to apologize for everything. From the drama a few years ago to Chloe's insult towards your girl. I'm sorry, I should've never acted like that. It's just that I got jealous that you were younger and beautiful and that everyone, including Derek, loved you and wanted you around but everyone despised me not even Mrs. Pointer wanted me around. So I decided to hate you but now I realise that it was just stupid. You're a good person and whoever knows you and has your attention is lucky. I just wish I could start over with you."

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