Chapter 6

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"Mia!" I called out. My sister ran over to us. I hugged her. "It's been a while." I smiled," Look at how much you've grown." Mia gave a twirl. My baby sister is gorgeous. Mom was right, all of us would have that Matthews glow. "Auntie!" Sapphire jumped into her arms. "Hi lovebug." Mia smothered her in kisses.

"We should get back to my place before we go over to Chris'." Mia nodded. She carried Sapphire to the car while I pulled her two suitcases. Mia buckled Sapphire down. I drove off once everyone was buckled down safe. "So how's you and Caesar doing?" I could sense that annoying grin on her face. "We're doing fine. We're going out tonight." I said. Mia stayed quiet as her eyes examined me. "You saw him, didn't you?" She asked. "Who?" "Don't play stupid with me. You saw Derek." Luckily Sapphire had her headphones on. "Yeah, at the park before we came to get you. Apparently he knows that Sapphire is his." "How?" "He looked at her and overheard Andrew." I frowned. Mia sighed. "I'm not letting him near her, more specifically me." "You can't keep a man away from his kid, that'll only make things worse." "I have to. Derek doesn't deserve to see her until I see fit, Sapphire doesn't have a dad."

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