Chapter 19

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(Months later)
Caesar had moved in with us so he could be closer to Sapphire, the baby, and I. Sapphire was in school and Caesar was at work so it was only a few friends and my family. Cj was in front of the tv, watching his favorite show. Damian and Chris were in the back fixing up the crib and painting the room. Caesar insisted that he'd do that but of course Chris and Damian didn't listen.

"Girl, I still can't believe that you're pregnant again." Drew smiled. I giggled under my breath. "You should've seen how protective Caesar has become." "Of course he has. I mean you are carrying his baby." Mia reminded me. I rubbed my belly. "So I wanna know, ask are you two gonna name it after me or what?"

Andrew groaned while Winter and Mia laughed at Riley's question. "She's obviously naming it after me." Andrew argued. "Wanna bet." Riley and Andrew have been at each other's necks about the baby's name ever since they found out about it. The pair began to argue. Mia and Winter came in between them. "Hey! Sis, come here for a bit." I managed to get up. I walked into the baby's room. "Surprise!" I looked around the room. "This is beautiful." 


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I'm glad that you like it." Damian said. "Thank you guys so much." I hugged both of them. "Anything for my big sis." Chris kissed my temple. "Mercy?" We turned around. Mia and Derek stood in the doorway.

"You got a visitor." She said. Chris was about to lunge at him but I stopped him. "You're the bastard who put his hands on my sister, ain't you?" Chris growled. "Relax Kit." "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want to talk." Derek told him. Chris looked at me. I nodded. "I'll be fine." I assured. Chris looked Derek up and down. "Ight, let me know if you need me."

"I will." On his way out, Chris bumped Derek's shoulder with his. Slightly warning him. Derek massaged his shoulder. "What do you want?" "I just want to talk." He looked at my bump. "You should sit, it'll be easier on your feet." 

I sat in the rocking chair without losing my eye contact with him. "Talk." Derek sighed. "I'm sorry about how I acted. It wasn't right for me to toss you into the wall and yell at you. I should've blamed nobody but myself for what happened. I should've never married her and thought that she would be happy being with me." "Did you love her at all?"

"Yes, I did love her." "Racheal loved the girls and the fame more than anyone. For the longest, I wanted to leave but I couldn't be separated from my girls." Derek frowned. "Being distant and not communicating with her wasn't the answer." I scolded. "I know that but now it's too late...she left without a word or a trace. Thank you for listening." 

I nodded at him. "You're welcome." I saw how Derek's face softened when his eyes met my stomach. "So how's little Caesar doing in there?" He smiled. "They're doing fine." "They're? How many babies are you having?" "I know how many but nobody else, not even Caesar, will know not until they arrive." We shared a grin.

"Well I pray that you and your baby or babies are healthy." "Thank you, Derek." "The least I can do for the woman who gave birth to my cute daughter." He complimented. Silence fell in between us. "I should go.. I have a meeting later on today." Derek walked to the door. "Hey!" Derek stopped. "Caesar and I are taking Sapphire out to a water park this weekend. I was wondering if you and the girls could join us?" "Yeah, that'd be nice." Derek opened the door but froze. "Mercy?" "Hm?"

"I'm glad that I met you that day and I hope that you and Caesar can live and love each other for the rest of your lives."

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