Chapter 10

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Sapphire hid behind my leg as Derek and two girls stared at her. Caesar stared at Derek. He had a blank expression. I kneeled down beside Sapphire. "Sapph, this is your father and two older sisters." I said. Sapphire came from behind me. Derek gave her a gentle smile.

Sapphire returned it as she approached him. "You are such a beautiful girl." Derek complimented. "Thank you." She gushed. "Girls, get over here." The two girls walked over to them. "These are your sisters, Chloe and Adrianna. Girls, this is your little sister, Sapphire." One of the girls, I'm guessing is Chloe, stepped forward. She was examining her like an unknown species.

She didn't say anything though. Adrianna stepped forward with a huge grin on her face. "Wanna go play?" She asked. Sapphire nodded eagerly. Adrianna grabbed her hand and dragged her to the playground. Chloe stayed back for a while before following them. Now that just left us, the grown ups. Derek stuffed his hands in his pockets. "You look good, Mercy." "You too." I felt Caesar move closer to me. "And you must be the man that claimed her heart? Derek Kyle." Derek reached out his hand. "Caesar Morales." Caesar shook his hand.

The way Caesar was staring at him, you could feel the tension. "Um we should uh sit." I suggested. The men nodded. Caesar and I sat down together while Derek sat on the opposite edge of the bench. Caesar put his arm behind me. I placed my hand on his thigh to calm him down. Derek looked at my finger. "So you two are getting married?" "Yeah." "Have you picked out a date?" I shook my head. "Well if you need help with the planning or with money, I got you." Derek said. "Thank you but I think we can do this on our own." Caesar told him. "Okay but if you need anything, just ask me." Silence fell between us. I patted Caesar's leg. "I'm gonna go check up on them."  "Okay,cariño." I kissed his cheek before getting up.

I walked around the playground. I could see Adrianna but not Sapphire or Chloe. "Adrianna, where's Sapphire and Chloe?" I asked. "They're under the slide." I checked under the slide. I saw them. Chloe had Sapphire cornered. "What are you?" She asked. "What?" Sapphire questioned. "What are you? You can't be my sister because your skin is too dark."

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