Chapter 5

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My baby sister, Mia, was coming back into town. She went to a private school in Seattle. Mia is coming to Atlanta only for a few days. It was an hour or two before she would land. Sapphire and I were in the park. I watched her as she played on the playground with other kids. Her pigtails bounced everytime she ran. I smiled as I saw her huge grin.

"Hello beautiful." I gasped. I turned around only to be met with a kiss to the mouth. "It's been a while, babe." Derek smirked at me. "Derek?" "You forgot my name? You used to scream it when we were alone." He chuckled. Derek sat down beside me. "It's been some years." He said. "Yeah."I moved away from him. "Nervous around me?" "No."

He had that shit eating grin on his face. I rolled my eyes. "Mommy!" Sapphire ran towards me. "What's wrong honey?" I asked. "Look." Sapphire held out a beautiful flower, more specifically my favorite flower. A morning glory. "That's beautiful." I gently took the flower out of her hands. I smiled down at it. "I'm gonna bring you more." Sapphire ran off. "She looks like me." Derek said. "Your point is?" "She's mine." I only looked at him funny. "Don't give me that look. You left without a trace and you have a daughter that looks like me. I even saw Andrew one time and overheard him saying something about her and I. So she's mine."

"Even if that's true that doesn't mean you're gonna be in her life." I growled. Derek smirked. "I love you Mercy." "It wasn't love, it was lust. I've moved on Derek. You and I are over." I stood up from the bench. "Sapphire, time to go!" I called out. Sapphire waved goodbye to a few kids. "You and I have nothing in common Derek. Not even our girl can bring us together. It's over."

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