Chapter 20

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(A year later)

"You may kiss the bride." Caesar pulled me to him, sealing our ceremony with a kiss.

" Caesar pulled me to him, sealing our ceremony with a kiss

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Cheers and claps roared as we kissed. Caesar and I pulled apart. We smiled at each other. "I love you." "I love you too." He grabbed my hand and together, we ran down the aisle. Family and friends around us cheered as we ran.

Caesar led me into a room. Caesar pulled me to him, kissing me more roughly. "Estamos oficialmente casados, nena." He said. " I know." He kissed me again. His hands roamed my body. "César, vamos a volver a salir." I told him. I saw him frowning. "Fine." Caesar opened the door for me. We walked into the reception location. Friends and family clapped their hands as we walked to our table. Caesar pulled out my chair for me before taking a seat beside me.

To my right is where Sapphire, Mia, Riley, and Winter sat and to my left is where Chris, Drew, and Damian sat. A few of our guests spoke words of wisdom to us. "Now it's time for the newlyweds first dance." Our host announced. Caesar offered me his hand. He led me onto the dance floor. His hands found my waist while mine found his neck. We swayed our bodies to the song. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. They held so much love in them. "Te ves tan hermosa." "You look so handsome." Caesar easily lifted me up and slowly spun us around before placing me back on the ground.

Our dance finished when he dipped me. Claps roared. His eyes wandered to Sapphire. "Go ask her." I urged. Caesar walked over to Sapphire. He kneeled down beside her. "May I have this dance?" Sapphire eagerly nodded. She placed her small hand into his. He led her onto the dance floor. Their hands held each other as they spun around. My mother brought over my son, Keanu. Keanu was the cutest baby that I've ever seen....just don't tell Sapphire that.

Keanu started touching my face a little. I rubbed my nose against his. I swayed my hips a little as he touched my face. He wasn't really old enough to give me a proper dance but hey...I got a dance. Caesar guided Sapphire back to her seat while Keanu "guided" me back to mine. Mia and Chris decided to sing a little for us. Chris isn't a terrible singer, same for Mia but she turns into Bobby when she does.

I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. Finally it was time for food and mingling. I was getting my plate when Derek came up to me. "Look who it is, Mrs. Morales." He smiled. "Stop, you're making me blush." I joked. We both laughed. "So has anyone caught your eye?" I asked. "There is a woman but let's just say she doesn't really like kids like she claims." Derek said. "Well I have this co-worker who loves kids. You two should meet." I told him.

"You definitely should." He grinned. "Are you cool with taking Sapphire for two weeks? Caesar and I are going to Bora Bora saturday." "Yeah I'll take her. What about Keanu?" "Winter and Chris are taking him." "Sounds good. I'll pick her up." I nodded. Derek and I mingled a little bit until loud cheers erupted.

We peeped in the main area. Drew and Riley were leading the line dance. Sapphire and her sisters tried keeping up but instead were doing their own cute little dance. I grabbed Derek's hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor where Caesar was. The men shared a genuine smile before dancing along.


Caesar and I managed to sneak away to the balcony. I looked up into the starry night sky. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Caesar placed his head on top of mine. "How's your night going, my love?" I asked. "It's going great but it's better now that I have you in my arms and that we're alone." He said. Caesar kissed my cheek and neck. He finally kissed my ear.

He spun me around. "My home." He kissed my hand. "My soul." He kissed my arm to my shoulder. "My devotion." He kissed my neck. "My heart." Caesar kissed my cheek. "All belongs to you." Caesar kissed my lips. "Te amo más que la vida misma." "I love you more than life itself too." I confessed. We shared one last kiss before staring back into the night sky holding each other with nothing but love.

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