chapter twenty-five ➝ "hurricane"

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Chapter Twenty-Five: "Hurricane" by Halsey.


“I’m so nervous,” I muttered to Willow as my teeth grazed against my lower lip. My lips were slight chapped and puffy, due to the abuse they had received last night.

“Its just Luke.” Willow rubbed my arms slowly in a somewhat comforting manner. “You’ll be fine.”

My stomach flipped at the mention of his name. Although we left things on relatively good terms last night I was worried he’d changed his mind. Perhaps he had just felt sympathy for me, which lead him to the delusion of having feelings for me. God, I hoped not.

“What if he realised last night that he didn’t want to get back together?” I let out a low whine at the thought but it highly probable.

“Then we’ll go get matching tattoo’s that say ‘boys suck’.” Willow shrugged nonchalantly.

I smiled at my best friends chilled attitude towards everything and anything. She had come over to my house earlier to keep me calm, having known I would be freaking out about meeting up with Luke.

“Speaking of boys, how is… Ashton? Or is it Michael this week?” I asked absently.

“You’re hilarious.” She said drily giving me a glare before running her fingers through my hair. “You know I only invited Michael to that stupid charity ball because Ashton already had a date, yeah?”

My eyes widened. I had not known that. I felt a bit guilty for not asking how things were going sooner. I had been so wrapped up in my own boy drama that I failed to notice Willows’.

“That punk ass bitch.” I shook my head. “I thought you guys were like together but not together?” My eyebrows burrowed as I confused myself.

“We were.” She rolled her eyes. “It was, I don’t know, a thing but then I asked if he wanted to go to the charity ball and he was all like ‘I’d love to go with you, babe, but I already asked another girl’.” She mocked Ashton’s voice to the tee.

“I hope you fucked Michael.” I smirked, leaning over and unplugging my phone from the charger.

“Michael’s my friend. I couldn’t use him like that.” Willow pointed out. “Besides, the kid is fucking smitten with Lystander.”

“Oh, Ly!” I cried out, feeling even more horrible. I had forgotten about the friend I made at Luke’s party. I covered my face. “Shit, yeah, I’m glad you didn’t fuck him. Lystander is the sweetest.”

“I know.” Willow said kindly, before moving over and wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve been dealing with a lot lately. I know the anniversary of Hunter’s death took its toll on you. Add that to the fact Luke wasn’t speaking to you… it must’ve been a shit few weeks.”

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