fourteen → "all you had to do was stay"

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Chapter Fourteen: All You Had To Do Was Stay By Taylor Swift

i'm a michael girl but im so luke af right now that i think im changing help


I never called Luke when I got home. Despite promising that I would, I couldn’t find it in myself to dial his number. In all honesty the thought of him made my knee’s go weak, but after he ditched me for Claire, I no longer knew if that was a good or bad thing.

Five days had passed and I’ve currently ignored all of Luke’s text. For all you wondering, that’s a whooping sum of thirteen text messages. I felt guilty each time I deleted his plea for me to respond, because frankly he had every right to rush off to Claire. He knew her better than he knew me, but fuck it hurt because at the time he left I really needed him.

Austin, on the other hand, was someone I had been in constant contact with. Although I never told him why I had been crying in the Diner, he went out of his way to text me cheesy jokes and lame pictures of turtles riding skateboards in an attempt to cheer me up.

Willow and I were walking down the school hallways. I was actively staring out the windows as Willow drowned on about how her and Ashton had sexy time after the graveyard. I shook my head absently, having no idea how a graveyard could possibly put you in the mood for anything other than cleansing your soul and going to Church or some shit.

“—and then I found out he had a daddy kink.”

What?” I choked on my own saliva before twisting around to stare at Willow with wide eyes. She looked pretty smug, as if she had been expecting this reaction from me.

“It’s actually pretty hot.” She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. “He makes the most incredible noise when I—“

“Okay, okay. I get it. Ashton is hot in bed.” I held up my hands in defence. “Now, please, for the love of God take Michael’s advise and find Jesus in your life.”

“If I remember correctly that advice was aimed at you and a certain Romeo, or in your words Lucifer,” Willow pointed out with ease.

“I haven’t really spoken to him since… that night.” I didn’t have to expand. Willow knew exactly what I was talking about. She immediately latched onto my arm and gave me a sympathetic expression.

“Have you told him who Hunter is?” She asked kindly.

Was.” I corrected her. “He’s dead.” I added when she stared at me blankly, “and no… I don’t want to explain things. It’ll get complicated.”

“He deserves to know, babe.” Willow had a point but I didn’t feel like agreeing so I shook my head stubbornly. I was about to retort when the loudspeakers chimed, signaling an announcement from the principal.

“Attention students, all those in year eleven please make your way to the Hall. Year eleven to the Hall.” Mr. Lupid’s snarky voice echoed down the hallways.

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