two ➝ "teenage dirtbag"

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Chapter Two: "Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus.

Picture: Willow Murphy


I tried to repress my smile as Luke jumped down from the stage. The boys had just sung for over forty minutes. I had listened to most songs, but on the occasion I walked around and mingled with the guests. When Luke sauntered over to me with a smug smile, I merely stood where I was and waited for him.

"Did you hear my dedication?" He asked, running his hands through his hair.

"You know I did." I scorned him playfully. He had searched me out of the crowd, and I'm 100% sure that he saw the red tinge of my cheeks.

"I'm just, really, religious." He paused before letting out a rough chuckle. "Half the girls near the front started murmuring about how they'd have to start going to church to get in my bed."

I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of those girls. If they were plotting ways to get into his bed than they should at least do it quietly—like Willow.

"Well, I'm not sure dedicating a song to God is going to fix your sins." I shot Luke a smirk. "Sorry, Lucifer."

"You know what? I think I deserve to know your name so I can at least come up with some cute endearing term like you so obviously have." Luke stepped closer before taking a sip of whatever was in my cup.

"You do realise the Devil is called Lucifer?" I asked, with a loud laugh. "You think that's a tone of endearment?"

"I like to stay positive." Luke shrugged, before grasping my wrist. I shot him a small smirk and used my hand to lead him over to a random bunch of people.

"Luke!" Willow grinned. I hadn't noticed her before, but now I regretted bringing Luke over. "I loved your music."

"Thanks." Luke smiled politely, looking around absently. The night was still young. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 7:49.

"You should play for me sometime." Willow tried again, as her first attempt at flirting hadn't gone so smoothly.

"You know what?" Luke suddenly looked really interested in her proposal. "I'll play for you if you tell me your friends name."

I was aimlessly scrolling through my phone, and it took me a few seconds to realise Luke was gesturing towards me. My eyes widened, and I literally leapt forward to stop Willow but the words were already passed her lips.

"Who, her? That's Indie Anna."

"No," I groaned in protest. If it were legal I'd probably choke Willow. I let my head slump on Willow's shoulder before straightening up to see Luke holding back his laughter.

"Your name is Indiana and you're giving me shit?" He grinned wickedly, and I knew this would be used against me.

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