fifteen ➝ "outside"

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Chapter Fifteen: Outside by Ellie Goulding


"Could this get any worse?" Willow groaned, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at nothing in particular.

"Don't say that," I groaned, "when they say that in movies—it always gets worse."

"Come on, it's not that bad." Luke threw his arm around my shoulder as Austin stood beside me with an amused expression.

"For once I agree with Blondie." He commented with a loose grin, which Luke ignored.

"This is Hell." I nodded with confidence.

All four of us stood facing the rope that hung from the rooftop. Willow and I wore disgusted expressions whilst Luke and Austin just rolled their eyes. Michael was hauling his body up the death rope and I could honestly say I've never seen him in so much pain.

"I'm not doing that." I muttered in defiance.

Luke claimed Calum and Ashton had been unlucky because they had to go back to St Loo's with some of the Blackie kids for classes, however I begged to differ. The real unlucky ones where us five because the class Mr. Lupid decided to throw at us was P.E.

 "Actually, Ms. Anna, you will be the next person to climb said 'death stick', or as I like to call it... some good ole' torture." Mr. Lupid crossed his arms over his chest and I just glared.

Blackies was a public school and our funding had been cut short recently, hence why our Principal also doubled as our P.E teacher.

"Is this because I said fuck in front of Mrs. Dale?" I huffed.

He nodded and I groaned, realising this was his own type of punishment for embarrassing him in front of the other Principal.

Michael had finished the rope of Hell and began to walk over towards us. I scrunched my nose up at the thin layer of sweat that covered his body. If this is what he looked like, then I guarantee I was going to be sweating more than a fat kid chasing cake.

"On the bright side, at least he's not making us do push-ups again." Willow tried to cheer me up, but I just glared at her.

"I have a feeling this push-up story contains much embarrassment for Indie, please do continue." Austin snickered.

"Mr. Lupid ordered us all to do twenty push-ups. I think Indie made it to, like, three before passing out." Willow laughed quietly and I groaned, flipping all my so-called 'friends' off.

"Does it look like I have biceps? Or triceps? Or any fucking ceps for that matter."

Mr. Lupid blew his whistle to gain the classes attention. He didn't say anything, merely pointed at me and then towards the rope. I knew exactly what he was hinting at but I refused to move until Luke nudged me.

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