chapter twenty-nine ➝ "kings"

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Luke and I had left the Diner yesterday before Michael and Willow had finished talking. We spent the night together, watching stupid movies and making out. Mum was still hesitant about me sleeping over, so at 1AM I drove home.

I had completely forgotten about my best mate's relationship drama until she woke me up, which by the way involved a pillow in the face. Seriously reconsidering this 'best friend' status.

"I'm surprised I'm the one hitting you with a pillow." Willow commented as she started opening the curtains. I groaned in protest as the sunlight spilled into my room.

"Maybe I'm just a kind person?" I argued.

"Or you forgot that Michael and I had a talk yesterday." She smirked, raising her eyebrow challenging.

I immediately sat up straight, my eyes widening. "Holy shit! I never asked. Okay, I'm officially a shit best friend. How are you guys? Are you together? What about Ashton?"

Willow looked more than amused. "Not even a second ago you were making groaning noises for being woken but now you're spitting out question after question. How do you do that?"

"Pure awesomeness." I dismissed easily. "So?" I prompted.

"Michael and I..." She trailed off, probably for dramatic affect.

"You're killing me!" I complained.

"We're dating." She chuckled and I let out a squeal. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto my bed so I could give her the congratulatory hug.

"That's amazing. I'm really happy for you, Will." I smiled, burying my head into her neck. "What about Ash?"

"I talked to Ashton last night and he was really cool about it." Willow explained with a small shrug. "I think he didn't really like me as much as he thought. He probably liked the idea of me, but that's in the past. I'm with Michael now and I'm really happy." She admitted, trying to keep the smile off her face but I knew she was seriously excited.

"Do you want to go and get some lunch?" I asked, looking at the alarm clock. I had slept until one o'clock in the after.

"I'm actually meeting Michael in the city." She admitted with a soft blush. "You can come with us if you want."

"No, you two go have your little couple time." I rolled my eyes. "I'll go to Luke's or something."

"Are you sure? Do you at least want to come for a little bit?" She smiled. "We're all still friends. Don't feel awkward third wheeling, besides Austin is working today and Michael said Luke had some visitors over so you've got nothing else to do."

"Is it really tragic that if Austin and Luke aren't available I have no life?" I asked rhetorically, before caving and agreeing to go shopping.

About twenty minutes later, Michael, Willow and I were on a train to the city. I was trying to be not-so obvious when I glanced over at the two but they seemed pretty relaxed.

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