four ➝ "holding onto you"

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 Chapter Four: Holding Onto You by Twenty-One Pilots

Picture: Austin Sangster


Ten minutes later, it became apparent the need to vomit was slowly disappearing. Despite Luke's worried appearance, he hadn't stopped swaying the bloody hammock, so for now I was doubtful of his innocent side. Lucifer reflected his personality a little better.

"Let's play twenty questions." Luke announced out of the blue, after several minutes of peaceful silence.

My head was currently resting against the soft material, and my eyes were shut, so I peered through my heavily mascaraed eyelashes. "Really? Isn't that a little childish."

"It's a way to get to know each other," Luke insisted. "Besides, my version has a little spin to it."

"Oh?" I perked up, suddenly interested. Luke smirked at me, and rolled his eyes carelessly before twisting slightly my way.

"Okay, so one of us asks a question and the other either tells the truth or lies," Luke shot me a hard look when I opened my mouth to protest so I reluctantly stayed quiet, "and the other has to call bullshit or truth. If they guess right then the questioned person has to drink, but if they guess wrong then they have to drink—get it?"

I had to admit when he added the twist to the game didn't sound so lame. I pursed my lips, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right just yet.

"I s'pose." I shrugged. "I'll humour you—until I get bored, that is."

"You're such a wonderful human being." Luke said sarcastically, before pondering what to ask. "Favourite song?"

"Holding Onto You by Twenty-One Pilots." I replied without hesitation, and then pulled a face. That answer had been too quick, there was no way he thought it was bullshit and the whole point of this game was to get him to drink.

"You suck," he laughed. "That was the truth."

I pouted for a little bit, and then took a sip of whatever Luke had gotten me before. I smiled somewhat, realising that this was Luke's way of actually getting to know me. Even if he was still Lucifer in my mind, a cute boy going out of his way to talk to me always made me smile.

"What happened with that Claire girl?" I asked, my blunt personality shining through for a moment.

"Wow, you just jump right into it, don't ya, Indiana?" Luke hummed but I could tell he was trying to figure out a way to answer my question so I stayed silent and waited patiently.

"I cheated on her."

"Bullshit!" I laughed, shaking my head. "There is no way you were that torn up over a girl you cheated on."

"Drink up, baby." Luke smirked, his eyes dancing wickedly as my mouth fell open. He was pleased with my shocked expression.

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