six ➝ "we are done"

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Chapter Six: We Are Done by The Madden Brothers.

Picture: Sex (basically) 


There was a silence after my previous question rang throughout the room. Austin turned his head and spat out some blood caused by the mighty punch Luke inflicted.

Michael had awkwardly stepped between the two teenagers, shooting them each a wary look. Despite having been punched in the jaw Austin didn't seem interested in retaliating. Luke was huffing softly, but other than that I didn't see this turning into a brawl.

"If you wanted to show Indie how masculine you were a simple warning would have been nice." Austin chuckled, rubbing at his jaw absently.

"That had nothing to do with her." Luke argued. "I want you out of my house, Sangster."

Austin snorted. "Nothing to do with her, aye?"

"Luke..." A soft voice called out from behind the blonde. I twisted to the side, my mind still running havoc after that punch, to find Claire standing there.

Austin followed my gaze only to laugh aloud. "Oh."

"Oh?" I repeated, stepping forward.

"Luke's right." He smirked. "That punch had nothing to do with you."

I looked at Austin, then to Luke, before shaking my head. I hadn't wanted two boys to fight over me—especially Austin because I could care less about him. However, right now, I wanted to know why Luke had punched Austin if it wasn't about me.

"This is getting stupid." I grumbled. "Luke, why did you punch him?"

Luke stared at me for a split second, before turning away. I took that as a refusal. My lips parted in surprise, and I realised he didn't want to talk to me. I huffed in annoyance and turned to the second best person, who'd give me a straight answer.

"I don't think it's my place." Austin raised his eyebrow. "If Luke really adores you then he'll tell you."

"Luke, come on." Claire whispered. "Let's go."

"Don't touch me." Luke spat out when the petite girl went to grab his arm.

My eyes widened. What the fuck? I hadn't known Luke for long but, jesus, I didn't think he had a temper like that. Claire's lower lip wobbled and transparent tears started to pool.

I stepped forward hesitantly and reached for Luke. Even though I had been irritated with him previously I wanted to be there for him now.

I swallowed loudly, and ran my hand down Luke's forearm. To my relief, he leant against my touch instead of yanking his arm away, however he did turn to stare at Claire. There was a flash of hurt behind his eyes and I finally realised what was happening.

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