eleven ➝ "out of the woods"

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Chapter Eleven: Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift.

P.S I was supposed to be updating this in 2 weeks?? BUT I LOVE YOU ALL SO HERE YA GO!


I was far too invested in this kiss to care about my surroundings. All I wanted was to feel Luke's lips against mine. I hummed in appreciation when he brought me closer. His lips brushed against my cheekbone until he pulled on my ear lobe softly.

"I think Willow and Ashton have taken over Michael's role of cock-blocking." He whispered softly, causing me to jerk back quickly.

"What?" I breathed but Luke merely nodded over my shoulder. I looked behind me and deflated slightly when I saw my best friend and her new beau laughing their arses off.

"No." I paused and stepped out of Luke's hold. "They're peeping toms. At least Michael makes his presence known." I rolled my eyes before lacing my fingers with Luke's.

"Come on, love birds." Ashton cooed and although he was making fun of us I saw the way he glanced down at Willow with a small smile.

I was a little conflicted about what Luke and I even were. Things had moved pretty quickly, but it had mostly been hot and heavy hook ups. Despite the obvious fact that we enjoyed each others company I don't think either of us have initiated that we wanted more.

Luke threw his arm around my shoulders carelessly and steered us all in the direction of the cemetery. I assumed Michael and Calum would just meet us all out front. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of walking through those intricate gates. I wouldn't be as nervous if it wasn't around midnight. This was prime time for demons, I swear.

"This is stupid." I groaned, finally voicing my thoughts. Luke shot me an amused smirk, having figured I was against this idea when I went on my hysterical rant about who was going to die first.

"Oh, come on." Willow elbowed me in the ribs. "I'm supposed to be the scared one."

"Yeah, but you don't watch Supernatural." I pointed out. "I say we leave all the spirits and ghosts for Dean and Sam to deal with." I said with a sharp nod to match my statement.

"Don't be a baby." Ashton jeered teasingly before the large gates that circled the perimeter of the cemetery came into view.

Michael, Calum and some girl were leaning against the gates. Upon nearing the trio I realised it was Lystander. I smiled warmly at the girl as the boys did those bro-handshake-hug things that they always did.

"How did you get roped into this?" I smirked, falling back in step with Ly as the boys began to jump over the fence.

"Michael and I were supposed to see a movie tonight." She rolled her eyes. "Apparently getting haunted for the rest of his life was on the top of his priority list though."

"Well, if he invited you along you must be on the list too." I teased, nudging her before Luke tugged on my wrist.

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