chapter eighteen ➝ "i'm not over"

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Chapter Eighteen: "I'm Not Over" by Carolina Liar.


I was about to explain things to Austin when Willow suddenly appeared at my side. I gave her an absent smile, and just looped my arm through hers. Michael was standing next to her, his hand on her lower back.

I raised my eyebrow. "Where's Ashton?"

"He's around here somewhere," Willow twisted around. "Oh, just there – talking to some blonde girl."

I wasn't sure if I wanted to know about my best friends confusing love life. One minute she was gushing about Ashton, and the next moment Michael's at her side. What happened to Lystander?

I decided not to indulge in this confusing situation. Instead I accepted the cup of punch Austin handed me.

"What about you?" Willow sized Austin up. "I figured you'd be here with Luke."

"I thought she might need some support." Austin supplied when I remained silent.

"Support?" Willow frowned before realization dawned on her. "Did you seriously tell him but not Luke?"

Before I could reply a deeper voice echoed throughout the space. "Tell me what?"

I glanced behind Willow, my eyes widening at the sight of Luke in a tuxedo. He looked like he even went to the effort of slicking his hair back. My eyes were drawn down to his elongated fingers, which were currently twisting around a stem of a rose.

"Luke," I said breathlessly. He looked... I couldn't even form comprehendible thoughts around him. I stepped forward in a daze and reached out for him. He seemed rather happy to comply and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You look beautiful." Luke said, his voice full of sincerity. I blushed under his intense stare. I didn't say anything in reply. Instead I stretched up and kissed his softly.

Luke's lips molded against mine, as he tugged me closer. I heard Michael dry-heaving and I managed to stifle a laugh before pulling back and pecking his lips again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked quietly when I got my thoughts straightened out.

"I came to surprise you. Willow said you'd be here tonight." He smiled, kissing my forehead lovingly. "Here, I got you a rose." He pressed the rose into my hand and just chuckled, looking a bit embarrassed. "I know it's a bit lame—"

"Shut up, I love it." I said truthfully, holding onto the rose.

I was about to say something else when Luke's eyes suddenly narrowed. He was looking passed me at Austin. I silently cursed, having forgotten about their situation. "What is he doing here?"

"Um," shit, "he... came as my date?"

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