chapter twenty-four ➝ "falling for you"

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 Chapter Twenty-Four: Falling For You by The 1975


Austin's presence came out of no where and surprised the heck out of me, thus causing me to fall back onto the bed and unfourunately drag Luke along with me. That resulted in Austin getting an even worse idea of what we were doing in his room.

“I’m serious.” Austin glared at us both before running over and patting down the blanket on his bed. “My grandmother knitted this for my eighth birthday and I will not have you dishonor her memory but fucking on it.”

“Wait, you’re just mad because you didn’t want us to soil your grandmother’s blanket?” Luke raised his eyebrow, looking exceptionally calm where as I was the complete opposite flustered mess.

“Why else would I be mad?” Austin scrunched his nose up. I was on board for Austin’s question.

“Because I was making out with Indie?” The way Luke worded it made it sounded like a question instead of a statement.

“Dude, she’s your girl.” Austin put his hands up. “Kiss her all you want – just not on G-ma’s quilt.”

“But don’t you like her?” Luke asked getting more confused with each passing second.

“Like me?” I fake gagged. “Austin’s just my friend.”

“Exactly.” Austin seemed amused. He looked at Luke for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest. “Indie is my friend, strictly friend, but that being said if you only kissed her to see what my reaction was – or for some twisted revenge – then, naturally, I’ll knock you the fuck out.”

I finally realised where Austin was heading with his line of questioning. I ignored the painful clenching of my heart and just stared at Luke with a hint of hurt.

“Please tell me you didn’t make out with me just to make Austin jealous, or to hurt him, because you thought we were together.” My voice was void of emotion.

“What? Oh god no.” Luke looked panicked as he rushed over to me. “Shit, Indie, no I would never do that. I kissed you because I wanted to but I was just making sure Austin wasn’t interested in you.”

“Why do you care?” Austin laughed but it was without humour. “You’ve ignored me for ­­an entire year and now you suddenly care if you kissed a girl I’m interested in?”

“Hey,” Luke frowned, “don’t act like I ignored you without reason. I found you in bed with my girlfriend.”

“True, but when said psychopathic girlfriend convinced you that I drugged her you actually believed her.” Austin shook his head in disgust. “As if I would ever drug her.”

“Guilty.” Luke admitted sheepishly. “Claire was just really convincing and I didn’t want to take her accusation lightly. I’m sorry.”

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