chapter twenty-six ➝ "case closed"

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Chapter Twenty-Six: “Case Closed" by Little Mix.


"Thank God Luke can’t stand away from you or otherwise I’d be painting this fucking room all day.” Michael proclaimed as he opened the door. I tried to conceal my smile, liking the idea of everyone else knowing how gone Luke was.

“I still don’t know how I got roped into helping.” I muttered under my breath in bemusedly.

“Because you’re a lovely person.” Michael sighed dramatically, before leading us through his new house. Willow mentioned him moving but another pang of guilt hit me when I realised I had forgotten up until now.

“What colour are you painting your room?” I asked, looking around. The house already looked pretty homely. The most important things, such as the television, were already set up.

“Black.” Michael said blankly. “According to Willow it matches my soul.”

Luke pulled a face that looked a lot like ‘sounds about right’ before intertwining his fingers with mine and pulling me upstairs.

“Excuse me,” Michael cleared his throat. “If I’m not in my room to supervise you two then stay out.”

“What?” Luke frowned, his confusion mimicking mine.

“Oh, don’t play coy with me Lucas. I heard all about Austin’s grandmothers quilt. That poor old lady made him a quilt and ya’ll had to go and hump on it.” He smirked deviously.

“Fuck you.” Luke laughed as I turned a dark shade of red. I was going to murder Austin. Michael had already claimed the title of ‘cockblock’ – there was no need to give him any more ammunition against us.

Michael seemed to ponder that statement for awhile. “No thanks, I think Indie would get jealous.”

“I guess we’re late to the party.” Someone chimed. I twisted around and saw Willow leaning against the door frame as Ashton stood a few inches behind her.

“Well, if it isn’t my darling Willow and her fuckboy.” Michael smirked, leaning against the wall.

“Excuse me?” Ashton eyebrows furrowed. It was a striking parallel to Luke only moments before. 

“Don’t look at me like that.” Michael rolled his eyes. “I’m not exactly rooting for you and Willow, you know?” Michael seemed to be joking but I wasn’t the only one who caught the iciness behind his tone.

“Of course you aren’t. You’d prefer if she was with you, which fortunately she isn’t.” Ashton chuckled – once again, despite the joking nature there was a seriousness behind it.

Luke and I shared a look, wondering what the hell we had missed in the time we spent fighting. Willow had briefly touched on the subject of Michael and Ashton this morning but she didn’t go into detail. Now standing here awkwardly, I couldn’t help but think how I should have pressed harder.

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