nine ➝ "cool kids"

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Chapter Nine: Cool Kids by Echosmith.


Two weeks had passed since Luke's legendary party. I put emphasis on the word legendary because apparently when your party gets gate crashed by cops you automatically make the "best party host" list. Surprisingly, I hadn't spoken to Luke since that night.

It wasn't like anything dramatic had happened after everyone went home. I slept in his bed, we kept it PG for Michael's sake, and the next morning I slipped out unseen. I didn't have his number and he didn't have mine, which restricted our communication even more.

If we wanted to be desperate, we probably could have hunted each other down on Facebook but I was busy with school and I assumed he was busy with the drama revolving around Claire.

"Ashton is so sweet." Willow gushed as she looked down at her phone.

I assumed it was another sickly cute text from the drummer. Unlike Luke and I, they had been in constant contact since the night of the party. It wasn't something I had been expecting considering she had placed dibs on Luke earlier in the night.

"Oh my god, I can't believe he texted me goodnight with two x's. Isn't that just the most adorbs thing you've ever heard of?" I asked in a high-pitch voice, obviously mocking my best friend.

"Sod off." She laughed, punching me in the arm as I readjusted my school bag. We were walking to our daily hang place, a cute little coffee shop called 'Beans'.

"How's he going anyway?" I asked quietly. I didn't need to say his name explicitly. Willow understood exactly why I was hesitant to start anything with Luke. Claire was just a major complex issue that I didn't want to deal with.

"Good, I think. Ashton and I don't really talk about you—although when we do we refer to you as Romeo and Juliet. Ashton's really witty like—"

"You're getting off-point." I stated, my expression amused, as I shot my friend a smirk. 

"Oh, right." Willow blushed. "Like I was saying, I think he's going alright. He's been hanging out with Claire a lot, so maybe they're trying to salvage something." She said softly, not wanting to hurt my feelings.

I kicked at the ground absently, and just tried to conceal my disappointment. That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear that Luke couldn't stop talking about me, like I obviously couldn't stop thinking about him. I tried not to let it phase me, and instead I smiled up at Willow.

"Boys." I rolled my eyes jokingly, before pushing the door open and leading us into Beans.

It took me a few seconds before my eyes adjusted to the scene. Beans was usually just a quiet hang out that the kids from Blackies go to after school, but right now it was filled with St Loo's students.

"Ew." Willow scrunched her nose up, passing some year 7's. "Why are St. Loo's here? This isn't even their side of town."

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