thirteen → "spaces"

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Chapter Thirteen: Spaces by One Direction


"Keep an open mind, okay?" Austin asked, looking at me hesitantly. "I haven't told anyone else the truth and I wasn't going to but when Claire told everyone I drugged her... it's disgusting. She needs to be stopped."

"Then tell me the truth." I said softly, leaning against the counter. I was all ears for whatever he had to say.

"It all started at one of Luke's parties," Austin explained, looking at me wearily, "everyone was there—his parents, family and friends."

"Hey man!" Austin grinned, slapping Luke on the back as he opened the door. "Happy birthday! The big seventeen, aye?"

"Seventeen isn't big." Luke rolled his eyes but he appreciated his friends attempt to get him hyped up.

"Whatever, Mr. Moody." Austin rolled his eyes before handing him over a present and walking into the house. His face immediately scrunched up at the sight of Claire. "Ugh, dude you're still with her?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Luke asked confused before looking at his girlfriend with an adoring expression. She was currently talking to one of her cousins, Harrison, over by the punch bowl.

Austin bit his tongue, in attempts to halt all the accusations he had heard about Claire. Apparently she wasn't secretive about the other people she fucked. The whole school had heard of her affairs.

"No reason." Austin finally said, glancing at the girl with disgust before going and joining his friends in a round of beer pong.

About an hour later the object of disgust joined Austin at the beer pong tables. She was clinging to Austin and whining about how mean he was because he refused to teach her the basics of the game.

"Fine." Austin huffed in annoyance. "You try and get the ball into the cup. The end. Can you go bug someone else now?" He glared, receiving a hurt look in return but he didn't bother to comfort her. Instead he turned and continued the game as she sulked away—probably going to tell Luke how cruel his friends were or something.

"She's a piece of work." Michael commented and the other boys nodded in agreement.

No one particularly liked Claire. She was kind at first, but then she began to get all needy, for example if Luke went out for coffee with one of his friends then she'd throw a tantrum about not getting invited. The rumours about her promiscuous nature weren't exactly helping her credibility.

The party was rather tame in comparison to Luke's other ones but that was probably because his family was there to witness anything that went wrong. It ended around midnight. Austin and the other lads always stayed the night.

Luke gathered Ashton, Michael and Calum in the living room. They hadn't seen Austin for a while, but he normally went off and hung out with his other friends towards the end of the night anyway.

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