chapter nineteen ➝ "yellow flicker beat"

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Chapter Nineteen: "Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde.

Picture: the tandem bike omg 


"You need to be put away in a mental institution for the insane." I claimed as Murielle peddled her tandem bicycle out of the garage. Austin was already putting on a helmet, as if he were used to going along with his grandma's crazy plans.

"Samuel is cheating on me. I just know it." She scoffed. "I'm going to catch the little prick in the act."

I let out a surprised laugh. "I thought you weren't dating." I batted my eyelashes dramatically at the star cross lovers issue.

Every time I visited the Diner, an elderly man would be in the corner. He constantly ordered coffees and cupcakes so Murielle would have to go and serve him. However, they denied dating every time I asked – although they both acted like a couple of loved up teenagers on a first date when they spoke.

"Get on the bike, Indie," Murielle said as she chucked me a bright pink helmet. I glanced at the bike before meeting Austin's amused stare.

"You've got two choices," Austin reminded me, "hang with me and Grams or go and sob about Luke." I guess his approach was tough love today.

It had been two days since Luke walked out on me. He had ignored every single one of my attempts to communicate with him. No texts back, no inboxes, no Twitter DM's - just, nothing. Willow had been trying to convince me that Luke was an idiot, but Austin had kept it real. He blatantly told me I fucked up by not telling Luke sooner, and I couldn't help but agree. 

In an effort to take my mind off the humiliating and emotionally draining situation, Austin had suggested that I come and read to his grandma with him. Little did I know, Murielle, the lovely diner lady, had a completely different agenda for today. 

I glanced down at my pocket, where my phone rested. I knew the chances of Luke wanting to talk to me were slim. I knew I needed to do something to take my mind off him. I had spent the last forty-eight hours crying uncontrollably, whilst Willow tried to feed me ice-cream. 

"Fine," I grumbled, glaring at the dangerous looking bike. "I won't hesitate to haunt you both if this thing collapses though. Jesus, it looks older than you Murielle."

"You're right," she grinned with pride. "This bike is just a touch over thirty-six."

I snorted as Austin rolled his eyes. "In your dreams, Grams."

Despite my better judgment, I get on the tandem bike and allow Murielle to guide Austin and I towards a house on Blossom Lane. She threw her arm right, signalling that we should all lean and then we took the corner at a speed that would impress those riding the Tour De France.

Please, Lord, I know I'm not religious but let me make it through today. I promise I'll apologise to Mum for eating her Lasagna, and I'll even come clean to Xavier about the time I lost the keys to his hand cuffs. Just let me live through Murielle's wild excursion today.

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