twelve ➝ "wake up next to you"

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Chapter Twelve: Wake Up Next To You by Lotte Mulan

Picture: Hunter James


Michael was the first one to realise that Willow had stopped her chanting due to a slight recognition of the grave name. He gave her a weird look, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

All I could think about is how I was sitting on Hunter's grave, trying to communicate with his spirit and essentially disrupting what I hoped was his peace. I jumped up without warning, which caused Luke to lean back a bit.

"I—I need to, um, leave." I stumbled over my words with wild eyes. I wasn't thinking coherently, so I was amazed that my words formed tangible sentences.

Everyone was staring at me with bewildered expressions, except for Willow who undoubtedly knew why I had to escape this cemetery. I felt suffocated just standing here so I began to walk away. Despite tripping on random objects that I wasn't focusing on I got to the gate in record time.

I mindlessly climbed over the gate with little problems. It wasn't until I heard a thud at my side that I realised Luke had followed me. I wasn't really surprised, considering he was the type of guy who'd never let a girl walk home alone—let alone leave a cemetery alone.

"You're obviously not okay." Luke said softly. "Do you want to go home?"

I was glad he didn't try to comfort me, nor did he question why I had abruptly left. I could probably put it all down to nerves or fear, if I didn't want to tell him the real reason.

"You don't have to walk me home." I mumbled softly, wrapping my arms around myself. "You can stay here, seriously, it's okay." I offered him a weak smile, which he was quick to dismiss.

"I did tell you before that I'd rather cuddle." He joked lamely, before shrugging out of his jacket and placing it over my shoulders. I clung to the warmth I didn't know I needed. After shooting him a thankful smile we began to walk down the path.

"I didn't know you were such a gentlemen, Lucifer." I teased, trying to get back into the normal routine of jokes and nicknames.

"Are you kidding? I'd throw my jacket onto a puddle for you." He replied without missing a beat. I laughed despite my shaken state.

"I think I can walk through a puddle but thanks anyway."

"Oh thank God. That was an expensive jacket." He claimed and I smiled at his idiotic nature.

Slowly, as if he were afraid I'd pull away, he reached out and intertwined our fingers. My hand was currently shaking, but his touch stilled my nerves. I could breath easier now I was away from Hunter's grave. A chilling sensation ran down my spine. How could I not have known that was his grave? I had only visited it twice, but I should've been able to recognise it. 

Considering it was around midnight the streets were pretty much empty, save the stray car passing by here and there. Bright lights flooded out of the Diner as we walked passed. Luke tugged at my hand softly, causing me to stop in the middle of the path.

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