chapter sixteen ➝ "wildest dream"

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Chapter Sixteen: Wildest Dream by Taylor Swift

okay so idk if you non-australians know about schoolies but that's where i've been for the last week. schoolies is basically a massive end of year celebration for all the students in australia who have finished school. i went to fiji with 400 other students and basically got wasted every night omg it was so much fun guys i was so happy ahhh but yeah, that was a boring irrelevant detail about my life :~) 


"I hate you!" I exploded, my lips quivering with rage as I crawled off the bed. "Je te déteste!"

I even said it in another language as if that would emphasis the pure anger I felt. Didn't we just fix things between us? Why would he go running to Claire when we were just getting to the good part?

"Oh, another language comes out," Luke appeared to be amused, "that sounds pretty brutal. German?"

"French." I answered tersely. "Ich hasse dich is German."

"Look at me, Indiana," Luke slid off the bed and stood in front of me. He ran his fingers down my arms softly and stayed silent. Reluctantly, I peeled my eyes off the ground and met his intense gaze.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I sneered.

"Unless you legitimately want me to follow through on the lie I sent Claire then no," Luke tilted his head, "I don't have anywhere else to be."

"The... the lie?" I frowned, stepping back in confusion. "What are you talking about? Why did you—I don't understand," I huffed out.

"That's why you should let people explain before you go punching them." Luke rolled his eyes. "For someone so weak you have a mean left hook."

"Explain." I gave him a pointed look so he'd continue without getting sidetracked about my noodle arms.

"Claire has a habit of bombarding me with messages if I don't agree to see her." Luke shrugged. "So now I just agree to see her but then come up with some excuse about how there was too much traffic."

"Why don't you just turn your phone off?"

"She's... resourceful. She'd just call my mates or my home." Luke explained, biting his lip piercing briefly.

"That's not resourceful, that's psychotic." I said blankly.

"Yeah, I know," he said dismissively before wrapping his arms around me, "but the point is that I'm here with you and I had no intention of leaving you, okay?"

"Okay." I said, slightly relieved at the outcome if not a bit confused. I leant my forehead against his before frowning. "What is Austin doing at her house?"

"I don't know." Luke admitted. "However I'm not her boyfriend anymore and I'm not the one she should be relying on."

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