Chapter 1

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~Gon Freecss~






1 year and 1 month ago Gon Freecss was born. His mother and father were happy and grateful to have such an adorable baby. Ging went on many trips leaving Gon with his mother. He would come back for a week or so then go back to his own life.

Gon's mother was sad that her boyfriend wasn't fully there to help her to take care of Gon. But surprisingly Gon wasn't too much of a handful. He only cried if he was hungry but other than that he didn't cry much making his mother very happy and grateful.

Her days with Gon were very peaceful and calm. She felt bad for the poor boy when his dad would leave him and not return for months. But she knew it was hard for Ging to when he would tear up before leaving. Gon loved his dad very much and he would be very quiet the next day when Ging left.

But Gon's mother couldn't quite get why Ging always had to leave. He travels the world and does so many things to get something he wants. Ging hadn't told her yet what he really wants and it frustrates her.

Sometimes Ging and her would fight and it would leave them heartbroken in the end. 9 months after Gon was born his mother didn't wake up one day. Ging got worried when his girlfriend didn't answer the phone for a whole day so he contacted one of the friendly neighbors to check up on his family.

The woman agreed to check on Ging's family so she went to their house and knocked on the door. All she heard were muffled baby cries. She rang the doorbell and no one answering the door.

She got worried and called Ging back saying no one would answer but she heard his baby crying indicating they were probably home. Ging told her where the spare house key was and asked for her to check on them. She grabbed the spare key and open the door.

She hung up on the phone after saying she would call him back after checking on his family.

She yelled out for Gon's mother but there was still no answer. But she heard the baby's cries. She went into the nursery first and saw Gon crying in his crib. She frowns at the child and immediately picked him up and carried him close to her while trying to rub his back to make him calm down. It worked and he fell asleep in her arms.

She then realized that Gon's diaper wasn't change since she could smell it. She quickly put him down and changed his diaper and put him in new clothes. Gon was in deep sleep from being exhausted from crying. She then wrapped a blanket around him and put him in his crib.

She then went to go check on Gon's mom. She saw her bedroom and gently knocked on her door. There was no answer and she started to get worried. She stated that she was going to come in if she didn't answer. She then grabbed the door nob and walked in.

She saw Gon's mother in her bed. She walked towards her and gently shook her to wake up. But she didn't get a response and started to get nervous from how cold the mother's skin was. She called out her name but there was still no response.

She grabbed the mother's wrist and put two fingers on it sweating like crazy. She froze when she didn't feel a pulse...

Ging was devastated from hearing that his girlfriend passed away from having a seizure in her sleep. After hearing the news he came back home immediately to take care of Gon.

For four months he tried to find someone to take care of Gon so he could go get what he wanted but no one would. He searched and searched but came to the conclusion that no one would look after Gon.

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