Chapter 7

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"How do you know where they are Gon?" Kurapika asked.

"Because Leorio has a weird cologne on him. I can smell him miles away." Gon said and giggled while skipping there. Kurapika rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

They soon got there and saw Leorio awake with an ice pack on his cheek.

"Leorio!" Gon said with a smile and Kurapika smiled and patted Leorio's head.

"What happened to me?" Leorio asked the two. Kurapika and Gon looked at each other. Kurapika made up a lie and started to talk to Leorio.

Killua then ran to Gon with a smile on his face. "I thought you were going to be a goner," Killua said with a smile.

"That's mean Killua," Gon said while pouting with a giggle. Killua then started to blush at Gon's cute actions.

"How did you even get here if you didn't follow the examiner?" Killua asked Gon.

"Because I followed Leorio's scent." Gon said with a goofy grin while pointing at his nose.

Killua scrunched up his face and said, " You really are weird." They both laugh and smiled at each other.






(Time skip to the third phase)

Gon, Kurapika, Killua, and Leorio were on the 3rd phase with Tonpa. Leorio and Tonpa were arguing while Kurapika, Gon, and Killua were just trying to get through the 3rd stage. They then saw 5 people on the other side of the huge room with long capes on.

A bald man was the first one to take off his cape. He then explained what they had to do to get past the third phase.

"Okay, I'm fighting whoever is going first." The man said with a smile.

"Now what? He said to fight however we want. So I guess that means anything goes." Killua said.

"We have no idea what they might come up with," Leorio said while sweating.

"I'll go first!" Gon said with a smile. They all turned to Gon while looking at him as if he was crazy.

"Gon, I don't think you should. He looks way stronger than you." Kurapika said trying to convince Gon not to go first.

Gon was already walking where the bridge was and smiled at Kurapika. "I told you on the boat that I came here to become stronger. So I'm going first." Gon said and ran off to the middle. He heard the prisoners that were behind the bald guy laughing and insulting him.

Once he got there the older man laughed at him. "Kid, this is going to be a fight to the death. You might die right now, are you okay with that?" He said with a rude tone.

"As long as your okay with that." Gon said with a creepy smile.

"Okay then, let's start." He said and started to walk towards Gon. Gon giggled and disappeared. "What the?" The old man said while looking at the spot where Gon was at a second ago.

Gon put all of his nen in his fist and punched the bald guy in the back. The man screamed loudly from his backbones shattering from Gon's punch.

He fell to the ground while his mouth was open. Blood came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale. Gon frowned that one punch was all it took for him to die. Gon then walked towards the body and crouch down. He put two fingers on his neck and felt that he had no pulse.

Gon smiled and jumped up in the air with a fist up. "I won!" He said with a giggle and walked to the side where his friends were on. They were all flabbergasted except for Killua who eyes were a tad wide.

"How did you do that?" Kurapika said. Gon decided not to tell him about nen since Gon knows that Kurapika hated him even though Kurapika has no idea that he was the fourth member of the phantom troupe.

"I don't know," Gon said with an innocent smile. Gon didn't know why they were all surprised. Death is normal and it happens all the time.


(Time skip to Kurapika's fight)

Gon was getting bored of the blue guy blabbing about how he kills peoples. He wasn't paying attention until he saw Kurapika's eyes turn red and started to fight the weird guy.

Gon eyes widen at Kurapika and remembered about that day.


The phantom troupe was finding a treasure that Chrollo wanted which was red eyes. After they massacred a village Gon was taking out their eyes and putting them into jars that had water in them.

"Wow, they are so pretty!" Gon said with a giggle. He was currently 9 and he was a member of the phantom troupe for 2 years.

He then looked up and saw all the dead people that were on the ground. His smile brightens and looked over to Nobunaga.

"Can I have these since there are 100 people here, please?" Gon said with puppy eyes. Nobunaga looked at him and sigh with a small smile.

"Sure," Nobunaga said.

"Yay!" Gon said with a smile


Gon remembered that he had a pair in his room. He then remembered the Kurta clan and how tough they were. He loved how thrilling it was to kill them.

He then saw the weird man falling to the ground and noticing the fake phantom troupe tattoo. He rolled his eyes at that and then he saw that Kurapika was coming over to their side.

Then Kurapika was being tackled with questions. Gon was just remembering about the Kurta clan and what happened that day. Kurapika answered their questions and then walked away to go sit down.

"He's not dead! You need to kill him or he needs to admit defeat to make the match end." The pink-haired girl said with a smile.

Leorio argued with the girl and sigh. "Go kill him Kurapika." He said.

"No," Kurapika said.

"Huh?!" Leorio said.

"I'll kill him for you." Killua offered.

"No one besides Kurapika can kill him!" The annoying lady said. Gon rolled his eyes out of annoyance and walked by Kurapika.

He crouches down at where Kurapika was sitting and put one hand on his shoulder. "Why can't you kill him?" Gon said innocently with half of his bloodlust coming out while squeezing Kurapika's shoulder. Everyone was paralyzed with fear feeling that they were all going to die by the suffocating amount of bloodlust that was out from Gon.

Even the prisoners could feel the bloodlust. Gon just wanted to get this over with since it all boring. And so far he isn't stronger like Uvogin said he was going to be.

Gon then remembered what Nobunaga said. He remembered that Nobunaga said if someone with the aura nodes not open yet can die from a lot of bloodlusts.

He quickly made all of his bloodlusts disappeared and looked at Kurapika's scared face. He tilted his head and looked like a confused toddler.

"You look pale. Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone. Kurapika gulped and nodded feeling like he couldn't speak.

"I just can't kill anyone except the phantom troupe." He said with a scared face to see what Gon will do.

"Okay!" Gon said with a grin and sat down on the opposite side of Kurapika. Gon did this so he wouldn't kill Kurapika. Gon was thinking how Kurapika should just kill him and that he was wasting their time.

All of them were still shaken up from Gon. Who is he, they all thought.



1277 words

Yay, I made 2 chapters in one day. The next chapter might come out by Friday or Saturday.

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