Chapter 8

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~The fourth phase~






Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika were now on a boat to the fourth phase of the hunter exam. Gon was wearing a black tank top and gray shorts. His red cape was folded nicely next to him since he was super hot. He still had bandages wrapped around his left arm with the spider tattoo.

Gon was super excited to do the fourth phase since he will be hunting Hisoka. When he found out who he was going to hunt he was thrilled. He can't wait to see who will be hunting him.

Gon was sitting down on the boat waiting for them to get to the fourth phase while fidgeting with the card that had Hisoka's badge number on. They wouldn't be arriving at the location until another hour and a half.

He then felt a familiar presence coming towards him so he put the card under his folded cape. He then looked up and saw Killua. Killua sat by Gon and looked at Gon. They both were both staring at each other and Gon was the first to break the silence.

"Who did you get?" Gon asked.

"You tell me who you got first," Killua said.

"No, you tell me first then I'll tell you after." Gon said. They both looked at each other and laughed.

"Don't worry, I didn't get you," Killua said with a smile.

"Me too," Gon said with a cute giggle.

"So, do you wanna show ours at the same time?" Killua asked.

"Sure!" Gon said and grabbed his card that was under his red cape.

"One, two, three," They both said at the same time and showed each other their cards. Killua gasp at seeing Gon's card.

"Hisoka," Killua mumbled. Gon softly smiled at seeing what Killua's number was on the card.

"You got one of the brothers." Gon said. Killua's eyes widen and looked at Gon.

"Really? Thanks, Gon. I didn't know who's number I got." Killua said with a smile. Killua's eyebrows furrowed looking at Gon.

"Are you scared?" Killua asked concerned for Gon. Gon shook his head with a smile.

"Nope! To be honest, I'm super excited that I got Hisoka. I don't think I would've been satisfied with anyone else." Gon said honestly. Killua sigh and softly smiled at Gon.

"Just don't die," Killua said with a lot of emotions. Gon's eyes widen at this. He felt weird. His heart was pounding while he felt hot.

"Okay," He whispered feeling like it was hard to say anything else. Killua then put his head on the shorter boy's shoulder. Gon cheeks were burning from Killua's action. He's so close, he thought. The phantom troupe didn't show any affection except for a pat on the head.

But he loves the affection that Killua was giving him so he smiled and put his head on Killua. He felt Killua grabbed his hand softly and held it. Gon only knew this boy for a month but felt attached to him already. Even though he was excited to go hunt Hisoka he couldn't help but wish that he was with Killua forever.

He fell asleep and woke up to the boat stopping. We're probably here, Gon thought but wanting to stay with Killua. He lifted his head from Killua and looked down at him sleeping on his shoulder while holding his hand. Gon felt himself blushing and looked the other way.

"Gon, you are the first to leave the ship." A lady said near him. He nodded and pulled the hand Killua was holding away from Killua. And gently shook Killua. Killua opened his eyes and blushed to realize that his head was still on Gon's shoulder. He took his head off his shoulder and looked to see Gon putting on his red cape.

"I'm leaving right now." Gon said and stood up with a smile. Killua frowned and stood up too. He then hugged Gon. Gon blushed because this was his first hug. He hugged Killua back with a smile. After a few seconds Gon broke the hug and started to walk to the small bridge to the forest. Before he crossed the small bridge he looks back at Killua and waved.

He then turned back and left the boat into the forest. He then started to run deeper into the forest to get as far as possible away from the boat. He wanted to go somewhere where no one will find him.

After running for about ten minutes he sat down and leaned his back to a tree. He then tries to strategize what he should do to get Hisoka's badge.






(Time skip to 1 day after Gon arrived at the forest)

Gon decided how he was going to get Hisoka's badge but he was waiting for something. Gon knew that he and Hisoka couldn't kill each other since both of them were really strong so he needs a good plan to get through the fourth phase. He came up with a decent plan a little after he arrived at the forest. Now he was just waiting.

Since he was trained by the phantom troupe he is really skilled. His sense of smell is remarkable. He can smell who is in the forest with him right now. So he knows where everyone is right at this second.

He knows he has an advantage since no one can sneak up on him since he could smell them a mile away. He was just waiting until the person who is hunting him tries to make their move. He was waiting for two more days until he could smell someone near him.

The person just stopped and was there for a minute not moving their place. Gon smirked in his mind and then stood up and started to walk somewhere. He noticed the person was following him so he smiled knowing that he can do his plan. He then started to jog where he could smell Hisoka was.

He then saw Hisoka ready to pounce on this old man with bloodlust leaking out of him. Gon smiled widely knowing the timing couldn't be any more perfect. He then put nen into his legs and he ran as fast he could to Hisoka and grabbed his badge and jumped back really high to the place he was at.

He smirked at the badge and noticed that Hisoka hasn't noticed that his badge was gone yet since he did that in under 4 seconds. He then yelled at Hisoka.

"Hisoka~," Gon said while waving his hand with Hisoka's badge in his hand with a giggle. Hisoka cocked his head to Gon and smiled creepily at him. Gon smiled and started to run into the forest and smiled when he felt the presence of the person hunting him trailing him. He then grabbed a few rocks that he placed earlier in his shorts pocket and threw them right at the guy who was trailing him.

He looked back to see the black-haired man fall out of the trees on the ground looking at Gon. Gon giggled and started to run as fast as he could when feeling Hisoka not too far behind them. He then stopped running when he could smell Hisoka miles away going the opposite direction where Gon was.

Gon smiled that his plan worked. He made that man fall so he could distract Hisoka. As he predicted Hisoka probably killed the man giving Gon a little bit more time to run away from Hisoka. He made Hisoka get rid of his hunter for him.

Gon smiled and looked at Hisoka's badge that was gripped tightly in his small hand. "I really am awesome." He praised himself. He then sighs also wishing that he got a chance to fight Hisoka since he wanted to get stronger. So far this just felt like a vacation for him. He wanted to duel with someone who was stronger than him.



1337 words

Lol if you feel like it please vote and follow me for updates about this story;) Wow I wrote 4 chapters in one week.

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