Chapter 14

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~The forest~






Gon was in deep sleep. He couldn't sense anything while he was sleeping. He felt at peace while dreaming. He then woke up seeing Killua by a table in their hotel room.

He had a plastic bag and taking things out of it. Killua looked at Gon feeling eyes on him. Killua smiled at Gon.

"Morning Gon, I got us lunch," Killua said.

"Lunch?"Gon repeated. Killua nodded his head.

"Yup, you were out for a day considering you went to sleep at 1 pm yesterday," Killua said. Gon then whispered 'oh'.

Killua then went to Gon and put a thermometer in his mouth. Gon felt completely normal.

Killua then looked at the thermometer and raised an eyebrow.

"97," Killua said looking confused. He then put his hand on Gon's forehead and it felt like a normal temperature.

"How are you feeling Gon?" Killua asked.

"I feel good. I don't feel sick anymore." Gon said honestly.

"That's weird, your temperature kept changing when you were asleep," Killua said.

"Really?" Gon asked surprised.

"Yeah, it kept going high and low every hour," Killua said sadly.

"Well, I feel better than ever thanks to you Killua!" Gon said happily.

"Baka, you still might be sick," Killua said crossing his arms. He then pulled out his phone and started to type something. He then looked back to the bed to see Gon gone.

He then started to worry and turned his head to look around the room. "Why do you need Leorio to check on me again." a voice said behind him. Killua jumped and looked behind him. He then saw Gon standing there innocently with his pajamas.

"Gon! Don't scare me like that!" Killua yelled. Gon then started to laugh at Killua's mad face.

"Sorry, Killua! We should go to an auction or get breakfast right now!" Gon said with a smile.

"Gon! You were in bad condition yesterday so today you aren't going to do anything except stay in bed." Killua groaned out. He is so exhausting,

Killua thought.

"But that's boring! I want to go out and do something!" Gon whined. Killua then grabbed Gon's wrist and dragged him back to bed. It's not fair that he is stronger than me, Gon thought.

Killua then puts Gon in bed and forcefully makes Gon laid down. "Sorry, Gon but If you have no sign of sickness for the whole day then we can go out tomorrow," Killua said. Gon then frowned and turned his body away from Killua.

"Hey! Don't be mad at me! I'm just trying to make sure you are healthy!" Killua yelled out hoping Gon wasn't mad at him. Gon then giggled.

"I'm just kidding! Come here Killua." Gon said and patted a space next to him. Killua then smiled and went under the blanket with Gon.

They then talked the whole day while Killua made sure that Gon didn't get sick again. But other than that both thought it was a relaxing day.


Gon and Kurapika were finally going to meet up. Along with Killua and Leorio that day. So far Leorio was with Kurapika right now. It's been four days since Gon got sick but after that day he felt normal.

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