Chapter 16

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Here is the last chapter of monstrous:)







Killua and Gon were walking in the streets of a big town. It was about 3 pm and they both held hands so they wouldn't get lost in the crowd. It was the first day away from York New.

Killua felt like someone was looking at them throughout the whole day. He kept looking at Gon to see if he had noticed anything. But Gon looked normal. Last week Gon was mourning the death of Uvogin but now he was doing a lot better so Killua doesn't want to sour the mood.

"Look we are here!" Gon said with a smile and skipped to the restaurant. They both ate their food and after they were done Killua needed to use the restroom. While Gon was waiting for him he felt someone behind him.

"Follow me if you don't want your friend to be killed," said the voice behind him. He had a cold voice and a dangerous aura around him. Gon nodded and was dragged out of the restaurant. He looked and saw a small man with a hoodie dragging him. He felt the familiar aura but couldn't put his finger on it.

He was taller than his captive by a little bit. He was dragged into a forest. He closed his eyes and concentrated if he could sense any people around to make sure this isn't a deathly trap. He didn't sense anyone except him and the guy who was dragging him by the arm.

"Gon," his captive said. They then stopped and the figured look at Gon and took off the hood of his hoodie to show his face.

"Feitan?" Gon gasped seeing the familiar face. He nodded and started to speak.

"Why haven't you come back from the hunter exam?" Feitan asked in a monotone voice already knowing because Hisoka told them.

"Because I wanted to be with my friend." Gon said with a serious face.

"Your friend is a Zodlyck, correct?" Feitan said not as a question but as a fact. Gon looked at the ground away from Feitan.

"Yeah," he whispered.

"You do remember that someone in his family or him killed the one you replaced, right?" Feitan said coldly. Gon nodded his head.

"You know, Uvogin and Pakunoda are dead because of you." He said with a matter-of-fact voice.

"Huh?!" Gon gasp. Yes, he knows Uvogin was dead but not Pakunoda.

"If you used your power on the chain user you could've killed him sparing Uvogin. But you left the phantom troupe. Tsk tsk." Feitan said shaking his head with making a sound with his tongue. "Monster," He whispered knowing Gon can hear him.

"They'll forgive you if you come back Gon," he said. Gon eyes widen. He honestly wants to go back home with everyone but he also wants Killua. Killua was now his boyfriend for goodness sake.

"No! I won't go back!" Gon said making up his mind quickly. Feitan looked disappointed and this made Gon feel guilty.

"If that's how you are going to be then I will have to forcefully take you back," Feitan said. Gon then got into stance waiting for his old teacher to come at him. He then jumped out of the way when Feitan comes at him full speed.

Gon's heart rate fastened up. The side of his mouth was twitching. He felt like his cheeks were reddening. He felt excited.

He had been waiting for this his whole life. Since he was born he wanted to fight someone strong so he can become stronger. Feitan always held back while sparring with Gon but this time was different. This time he isn't going to hold back.

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