Chapter 12

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Gon was walking in another village. He wanted to get food for him and Killua. It has been six months since he went to the mansion to save Killua. He already had some sandwiches in a bag he was carrying but he was curious about the noise he was hearing.

He heard some cheering and singing. He then turned to the corner and saw a small park. He saw a child with a party hat on in the middle of kids surrounding him. There was a banner saying 'Happy 7th birthday'.

Gon heard of people celebrating their birthdays but he never did it. The phantom troupe just picked a random date for his birthday which was on May 5th. He never told Killua his birthday but then he remembered Killua saying he was born on July 7 and a few months ago.

He then realized Killua's birthday was 3 days away. He then smiled and went into a candy store. He never celebrated a birthday before but he wanted to do new things with Killua. He then got 10 boxes of chocolate robots and was going to deliver them the night before Killua's birthday. He also bought a cake with the number 13 on it.

You may be wondering how Gon has all this money. The reason is that he was part of the phantom troupe and they stole billions of dollars. They split up the money and do whatever they want with it. Gon never spends it on anything since he doesn't want anything but now he uses his money to buy whatever Killua wants.

He loves getting Killua things even though Killua argued that he has money. But Gon always wins in the end because of how stubborn he is. He wants to spoil Killua since he is the first best friend Gon had. He then went to another store and printed out a few pictures and also got a small book. After that he ran back to the hotel they were staying at.

He didn't want Killua to get worried about how long Gon was taking. He then entered the room and heard the tv on. He then quickly hid the pictures and the book and went to see Killua watching tv on their bed.

Killua turned to Gon and smiled. He jumped off the bed and walked towards Gon. "That took a while are you okay?" He asked his smile turned into a concerned face.

"Sorry, Killua! The restaurant was busy but it will be worth it from how good the sandwiches are." Gon said giving Killua his sandwich that was wrapped. Killua quickly unwrapped it and took a bite. He then smiled at how good it was and went back to their bed. He then patted a space right beside him signally Gon to sit next to him.

Gon smiled and happily did what Killua wanted. They then talked about whatever was on their minds and had a good lunch with each other.


(3 days later)

Gon then woke up next to Killua in their bed. He then turned to look at Killua who was facing him. Gon smiled at Killua sleeping peacefully and quickly got out of bed. Last night he put the pictures he printed in the store into the book and put the boxes in the closet.

He made sure that Killua was asleep when he did that. He then left the hotel to get breakfast for them. He then made an order and went into another store to get a bow to put on the book while the restaurant was making their food.

He then went back to get the food and went back to the hotel. It was about 8 in the morning and as expected Killua was still sleeping. He then quickly got out the boxes full of chocolate robots and the book. He then stuck the bow on it and got the food ready for Killua. He then put the food on the nightstand and sat on the bed by Killua.

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