Chapter 9

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~The match~






Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio were walking towards the boat to go to the next and final phase. They meant each other the day after Gon got Hisoka badge.

Once they walked on the boat Gon was immediately tackled into a hug. They both landed on the floor and Gon could sense the presence of Killua on top of him. Gon smiled and wrapped his arms around Killua.

"Miss me?" Gon said with a giggle. Killua sat up still on top of Gon with an embarrassed expression.

"Well- Ummm- I," Killua said to embarrass to talk. Gon laughed at the way Killua was behaving.

"Cute," Gon said.

"Gon! You are being embarrassing." Killua yelled. Killua got off of Gon and lend Gon a hand. Gon took it and got up.

"So, did you get Hisoka's badge?" Killua asked curiosity taking over him. Gon smirked and took the round badge out of his pocket and showed Killua it. Killua gasp and looked at Gon with admiration in his eyes.

"Wow! How did you do it." Killua asked. Gon's mood changed from proudness to sadness.

"It was a hit and run situation. Nothing impressive." Gon said with a sigh.

"Hey, it's still impressive that you could take his badge and run away alive. To me you're cool." Killua said with a hand on Gon's shoulder. Gon cheeks showed a blush while Gon's eyes sparkled at the compliment.

"Really?!" Gon said excitedly with the brightest smile Killua has ever seen. Killua felt like the whole place got brighter by looking at Gon's smile. He immediately blushed and had to look away with a nod.

"Mhmm." Killua hummed trying to hide his blush. He didn't want to believe that he has a crush on this boy. Gon was amazing in his eyes but when the hunter exam ends they are probably going to split up. Killua honestly wants to stay by Gon's side even if it's for a little longer.






It was the fourth phase and you could feel the tension in the room. They have been questioned the day before and now they are waiting for the first match to start. Most of them are anxious.

The first match was Hanzo vs Gon. They were both in the middle of the room ready to fight. "Begin," A man said.

Hanzo was the first one to move and try to kick Gon first. Gon dodges the kick and dodges his other attacks. To be honest this was hard on Gon. He didn't know what to do because if he killed Hanzo then he would be disqualified.

So he is trying really hard to think of a plan to make Hanzo give up. While he was trying to brainstorm ideas his body was dodging every attack Hanzo made. Gon then remembers that Feitan uses torture to get something he wants from someone but that would be messy so he crossed out that idea.

Maybe annoyance, Gon thought. He then focused back on the fight and see Hanzo's distressed face while trying to hit Gon once. It's been at least 20 minutes and Hanzo couldn't lay a finger on Gon. Gon smiled happily and run around Hanzo fast with nen in his legs to become super fast.

Hanzo couldn't keep up with Gon seeing how fast he was. Gon took the opportunity and flicked Hanzo in the head really quick and went back to run around Hanzo. He then kept repeating this seeing this was making Hanzo mad. After 15 minutes of that and Hanzo trying to make Gon stop he was fed up with it.

"I give up! Okay! Stop!" Hanzo yelled out of frustration. Gon giggled and stopped his childish actions.

"Okay!" Gon said with a smile and jumped with one of his fists in the air.

"I win!" He said with a smile.

Killua saw how cute Gon was being and had to look away. Gon came up to him and smiled. "Did you see me Killua? I was fast right?" Gon asked. Killua hummed and ruffled Gon's hair.

"You were but not as fast as me," Killua said with a teasing grin. Gon pouted but smile anyway.

"Good job Gon!" Leorio said with a smile.

"You passed the hunter exam," Kurapika said with a smile.

"Yup! I'm so happy!" Gon said with a smile.


After a few matches Gon went to the restroom. He didn't need to use the restroom but he wanted to be alone for a minute. Ever since he meant Killua, Gon has been rethinking things. He really doesn't want to go back to the phantom troupe. He wants to be with Killua longer but the hunter exam is going to end soon.

He knew Killua ran away from home so maybe there was a chance to be with him longer. He sighs and puts cold water on his face. Maybe I should run away with Killua, Gon thought. He really wants to do that but what about the phantom troupe.

He only knew Killua for a month and knew the phantom troupe for as long as he can remember. He would be betraying the phantom troupe if he ran away with Killua, he stood there thinking what he should do. He then shut his eyes tightly and clench his hands into a fist out of frustration. He then heard something falling to the floor and saw the bandages.

His eyes slightly widen and he took off his red cape. He then brushed his fingers on the spider tattoo with the number four on it. He wants to have fun and be carefree with Killua but he wants to go on adventures with the phantom troupe.

He then closed his eyes again and opened them with a soft smile. He knew which option he was going to pick. He then rebandages his arm with the new bandages he brought and put back on his red cape. He left the restroom and saw a mess when he walked back where everyone was.

He saw people looking terrified and saw a dead man on the ground. He then noticed that Killua wasn't in sight. He ran to Kurapika and said, "What happened?"

"He fought with his brother. Killua killed that man and ran away after." Kurapika said summoning what happened while pointing at the dead man that was on the ground. Gon ran outside but he couldn't smell Killua's scent and his presence was gone.

"Damnit," Gon said.




Yay, we are half way into this book. I'm planning to have 15-17 chapters in the this book. Follow me and vote for updates:)

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