Chapter 6

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~New friend~






Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio arrived at where the Hunter exam was. They walked in and immediately felt how tense the whole place was. Gon was confused why everyone was on edge but simply ignored it.

"Everyone is so tense," Leorio mumbled.

"Well it is the hunter exam," Kurapika said and started walking towards the big group of people. Leorio and Kurapika were talking while Gon was studying some people and looking around the giant room. Uvogin told him to know his surroundings in case something happens.

A chubby man walked up to them. He had brown hair and was wearing an oversized blue shirt over a light gray long sleeve shirt. He had a friendly smile but Gon can see through that. Chrollo taught Gon how to read body language and face emotions.

That's when he realizes that the troupe taught him so much. He sighs missing going on adventures with them and finding treasures. He was zoning out and not listening to Tonpa. But then in the corner of his eye, he saw someone that he knew.

Gon saw Hisoka. He knew him since he tried to become one of the phantom troupe's members. Chrollo declined him since they don't need any more members. He remembers that Hisoka tried to kill him since he really wanted to be part of the phantom troupe.

It was a draw and Hisoka just gave up. After fighting, Hisoka vowed that he was going to kill Gon someday and never saw him after that. That fight happened 4 months ago. Gon then saw someone bump into Hisoka and the next thing he knows his arms turned into flower peddles.

He really is amazing, Gon thought and turned away from Hisoka. He faced his friends and saw them talking about the creep known as Hisoka. Gon zoned out again thinking how happy he was that Hisoka was here. This is going to be interesting since he is here, Gon thought. But he finally back to reality when Tonpa offered them soda.

"Sure!" Gon said happily. Tonpa smiled at Gon and gave him a soda. He has already given his friends soda but they were hesitant to drink it. Once Gon had the soda in his hands he still didn't take his eyes off of Tonpa. He then took a small sip of it and spit it out immediately. Leorio and Kurapika looked at him to see what was wrong with the soda while Tonpa eyes widen.

"I think there is something wrong with this drink. It tastes bad." Gon said with a creepy smile and put the soda back into Tonpa's hands.

"Oh! I'm so sorry about that." Tonpa said and ran away. Tonpa was wondering how the young boy knew he did something to the drink. He could tell by Gon's smile that he knew that Tonpa did something to the drinks on purpose.

If he does something like that to me again I'm going to kill him since he is bothersome, Gon thought.


(This little part is just like the show of how Gon meets Killua so you can skip until you see the dots)

The first stage already started. Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio were jogging following the strange man. Lots of people have already given up. Gon was thinking how boring this was. He then smiled when he heard Leorio yelled. He looked and saw him yelling at a kid about the same age as Gon.

"Hold it right there you brat! Don't underestimate the hunter exam!" Leorio yelled.

"What do you mean?" The white-haired kid said.

"I'm talking about your skateboard! That's cheating!" Leorio yelled out.

"How so?" The kid said.

"How?! This is an endurance test! That's how!" Leorio said.

" No, it's not!" Gon said.

"What are you babbling about now, Gon?!" Leorio said.

"The examiner guy said we only need to follow him and that's all." Gon said.

"Hey who side are you on?" Leorio asked.

The pale boy then rolled next to Gon on his skateboard. "Hey, how old are you?" The blue-eyed boy asked.

"I'm 12," Gon said with a smile.

Killua did a trick to get off his skateboard and said," I think I'll run for a little while."

"That was cool!" Gon said with sparkling eyes.

"I'm Killua," Killua said.

"I'm Gon!" Gon said with a smile. Yay, another new friend, Gon thought.






(Okay you can start reading here if you skipped that part)

Killua and gon were jogging in the front. They were heading to stage 2 of the hunter exam. Gon then realized that Kurapika and Leorio weren't behind them.

"Oh no, Leorio and Kurapika aren't behind us." Gon said and stopped.

"Come on Gon. If we stop now we are going to be left behind. Maybe they'll show up there." Killua said and started to jog.

"Hey, Gon-" Killua stopped talking when he saw that Gon wasn't anywhere to be seen.


Gon was running towards Leorio since he was following his smell. Once he got there he saw Leorio being knocked out by Hisoka.

"Hey get away from him!" Gon yelled out to Hisoka to make him stop attacking Leorio. Hisoka looked behind him and saw Gon. He then put on a creepy grin and started to moan.

"Auuh Gon," Hisoka said creepily seeing the child he desperately wants to kill. Gon quickly ran to Leorio in a blink of an eye.

"You are as fast as ever Gon. I love that." Hisoka said walking towards Gon.

"Stay away from Leorio!" Gon said while the wind picked up around them.

"No worries Gon. I wasn't going to kill him." Hisoka said.

"Huh?" Gon said confused but still had his guard up.

"I was just about to take him back where the second stage was going to happen. He's not worthy for me to kill unlike you." Hisoka said flirtishly at the end. Gon can tell he wasn't lying and stepped away from Leorio. Hisoka's smiled got wider and picked up Leorio and started to walk away.

"Do you know how to get back, Gon?" Hisoka asked.

"Yup!" Gon chirped. Hisoka smiled at the child and walked away with Leorio. Once Hisoka was nowhere to be seen Kurapika walked out of the bushes and ran to Gon.

"I'm so sor-" Kurapika started but was cut off by Gon.

"It's okay!" Gon giggled.

"I couldn't help but listen in to your guy's conversation. Do you guys know each other?" Kurapika asked.

"Yeah! I meant him two months ago." Gon said innocently.

"How do you know him, Gon?" Kurapika asked concerned.

"He tried to kill me and that's how we meant." Gon said with an innocent smile. Kurapika's eyes widen and what Gon had just said. This boy, Kurapika thought.

"Why did he try-" Kurapika was cut off again by Gon.

"Come on Kurapika! We need to get the others are we might be disqualified." Gon said and started to jog where Leorio was at.



1179 words.

I'm now going to start posting 2-4 chapters a week since I don't have anymore school.

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