Chapter 4

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A/N Arata is a character I made up since I don't know the previous fourth member.

~Member of the Phantom troupe~






Gon was patiently waiting for some of the Phantom members in their hideout. Their hideout was in Meteor city. Nobunaga, Uvogin, and Machi went out to look for Arata. He was the fourth member of the phantom troupe and he has been missing for a couple of days. The phantom group agreed to go look for him.

Aside from that everyone realized how strong gon is. He learned nen very quickly and has so much power. Nobunaga found out that there was so much more to his power but kept it to himself.

Gon trained every day for hours. He has become really strong and super swift. Chrollo was very please with how well gon can use his nen.

Gon is currently 7 years old waiting for some of the phantom troupe members to come back. He was wearing a gray sweater and black pants. He was lying on his back looking at the ceiling. He was pretty bored having to wait for his older friends to come back.

He then heard footsteps and looked up and saw Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga. Uvogin was carrying a pale Arata. The trio had sad expressions on their face. Gon sat up and skipped to them.

All the other members came to them wondering what happened to their friend. "He's dead," Uvogin said not looking at anyone. Everyone's breaths hitched.

"What happened?" Asked Phinks with disbelief.

"We found him dead in an ally. We then saw a clue that a Zoldyck did it." Machi said looking at the ground with her fist clenched.

"The famous assassin." They all whispered. Chrollo then went up to them. Before Gon could see what would happen next he ran out of the hideout. He wanted to be alone after hearing that one of his older friends died. He then ran into a forest and found his favorite spot. There was a beautiful river and the greenest grass he has ever seen.

He sat down on the grass and brought his knees up by his face. He buried his face in his knees. His body was shaking out of despair. Tears rolled down his face while he couldn't believe someone he knew was gone forever.

That's when he kind of gets the idea of what it means to be dead. He still doesn't quite get it but he kind of knew what it means now. After an hour of being depressed Uvogin found him.

"Hey, kid." Gon looked up at Uvogin with his red puffy eyes.

"Why aren't you crying?" Gon asked looking at Uvogin with curiosity seeing that the older male didn't look like he was sad.

"Because a long time ago I accepted death," Uvogin said with a smile.

"Accepting death?" He repeated. Uvogin nodded and sat down by Gon on the grass.

"Yes, once you accepted death then you won't be sad anymore," Uvogin said.

"I don't want to be sad anymore." Gon said with a sniffle.

"You have to realized that eventually everyone is going to die and you have to be ready for it," Uvogin said and patted Gon's head. Gon's eyes widen at what Uvogin said. That's when he realized that someday everyone he knows will be gone forever even him. Gon took a deep breath and let it out at his new discovery.

After a few minutes of silence and Gon calming down and wanting to stop being sad so he repeated, " I don't care who dies." in his head. After a while of silence and Gon repeating the words, gon turned to Uvogin. "I understand now." Gon said with a small smile. Uvogin smiled at him and stood up.

"Let's head back. Chrollo wants to talk to you." Uvogin said with a grin. Gon smiled at him and nodded. He stood up and followed Uvogin to the hideout. They walked in comfortable silence and it wasn't long until they got to the hideout.

Gon then went in and noticed that it was unusually quiet. It probably was because of the news of their friend's death. He found Chrollo waiting for them at the entrance. Uvogin nodded at him and left. Gon was confused by Uvogin's action but decided not to look too much into it.

"Gon, since Arata is dead now the spot number 4 is open in the phantom troupe," Chrollo said in a calm voice. Gon tilted his head on what Chrollo was trying to say here. Of course, everyone probably knew that now so why does he need to say it out loud. Gon slowly nodded his head at what he said and his eyes widen at what he said next.

"I want you to take that spot," Chrollo said looking at him directly in Gon's eyes. Gon stared at him with a big smile.

"Okay boss!" Gon said forgetting about his friend's death for a moment. His heart was beating rapidly from how happy he was. He wanted to join the group because he wanted to become strong and didn't want to be left behind. And now Chrollo wants to make him an official member.

Chrollo smiled at the naïve boy and patted his head. "I guess it's decided. You will be the new fourth member. Tomorrow you will get the tattoo." Chrollo said with a slight smile. Gon eyes widen at the word tattoo. He knew everyone in the phantom troupe had the spider tattoo but he forgot for a slight second. He nodded his head enthusiastically and still had a smile on his face.


At 7 years old Gon got his first tattoo. His phantom tattoo with the number 4 on it. It was above his left elbow and a little red since he just got it. Some of the phantom troupe members didn't agree with Gon being the new member since he was young and it was too sudden from their friend's death.

But others disagree seeing the potential Gon has. Gon kills very swiftly and is very quiet. He is also dangerous from not seeing anything bad with killing. He thinks it's completely normal and the way of life.

Some of the phantom troupe members are rethinking if Chrollo made the right decision of letting Gon be with them since he was a baby. Even though he seems like an energetic and naïve kid you can already see that he is going to be a monster when he grows up.


1162 words


Sorry I didn't publish a chapter like I promised yesterday. I was going to but I felt really sick yesterday from getting the second shot for the coronavirus vaccine. So here is another cute picture of killugon I found on Pinterest:

 So here is another cute picture of killugon I found on Pinterest:

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