Chapter 11

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~The cliff~






Killua and Gon have been traveling since Killua has agreed to go travel the world with Gon. They have been traveling to small villages mostly because of how peaceful they were. They have been traveling non-stop. It's been 2 months since Gon came to the mansion to save Killua.

It's now April and It's springtime. Both boys have been enjoying their time together and wishing they can travel together forever. But Killua had something on his mind for the past couple of weeks. He has been wondering what Gon's past is.

He realized that he knows nothing about Gon's past. He has also been wondering what's under Gon's bandages. He noticed the bandages has been on his arm for 4 months already. He hopes it isn't anything too bad.


Killua was getting annoyed. He was in a hotel room with Gon. Gon has been sleeping all day. It's about 3 in the afternoon and Killua was bored. He wanted to do something with Gon.

But every time he tries to wake up Gon, Gon ends up falling back asleep. It might be because they did an all-nighter for 6 days straight. Both boys came up with the idea so they can spend every second having fun with each other.

Gon fell asleep more like past out at 1 in the morning. After Gon was asleep Killua decided to sleep as well. Killua then woke up at 11 and has been awake since then.

While watching Gon sleep he got an idea. He blushed at the idea but he wasn't going to get another opportunity like this. He then went beside Gon and leaned down. Killua was planning on giving Gon a little peck on the cheek. That was what he was telling himself but his body was aiming for Gon's lips. He was about 2 inches away from his lips until Gon groaned.

Killua got scared and jumped away from Gon. Gon eyes opened and looked at Killua with a blush. "Were you about to kiss me?" Gon asked.

Killua couldn't have felt more embarrassed. How did he know his eyes were shut, he thought.

"Eh?! No! I was going to yell in your ear so you would get up." Killua lied trying not to blush.

"Oh okay!" Gon said and jumped out of bed. "What do you want to do today, Killua?" He asked.

"Umm, we can go back to that cliff we were at yesterday," Killua said. Yesterday they went to explore the forest they saw in the village. They then found a cliff that had an amazing view. They were looking at the view and talking for hours.

"Sure!" Gon said with a smile. Killua smiled at him and they both got ready and left the hotel together. They were now walking to the cliff in comfortable silence. It was about 3:30 and Gon noticed that rain was coming. He smiled and looked at Killua.

"Hey, Killua!" Gon said breaking the silence. Killua looked over at Gon giving him his attention. Killua hummed signally Gon to continue.

"It's going to rain soon. Maybe we should use those leaves over there to cover up so we don't catch a cold." Gon said. Killua looked up and saw the clouds. He nodded at Gon and took one of the big leaves. He then held it over their heads trying not to get wet. They both still walked toward the cliff.

They were walking to the cliff while talking about things they would like to do together in the future. They then made it to the cliff and by then the rain stopped. They sat down and looked at the view. Gon smiled looking at the beautiful sky. It was getting dark but they were still there enjoying each other's presence.

Killua turned his head to look at Gon. He couldn't take his eyes off of him because Gon looked so pretty at that moment. Gon looked at Killua feeling eyes on him. Killua blushed and looked away.

"Were you looking at me?" Gon teased.

"No! I was just looking at what's behind you." Killua protested.

"I don't think so," Gon said with a goofy smile. "You were defiantly looking at me." Gon said.

"No, I wasn't," Killua said crossing his arms. Gon just laughed at him and looked back to see the stars. Killua looks back at Gon and was going to ask him a question.

"Hey Gon, " Killua said

"Yes?" Gon said turning his head so he can see Killua.

"I was wondering what your past is. You said you didn't have a family so I'm curious about you." Killua said.

"Well 2 people found me in the forest and I was about 1 year old. They took me in and raised me with their other friends since they live with each other." Gon said not wanting to tell Killua he was a member of the phantom troupe. Gon remembered that Chrollo told him that he shouldn't tell anyone that he is the fourth member because it's supposed to be a secret.

Killua frowned at this. I can't believe his parents just left him in the forest, Killua thought. Gon saw Killua looking at the ground with a mad face. Gon hesitantly took Killua's hand. It was weird showing affection but Gon really liked it.

Killua blushed at this but smiled. "So what was it like being raised by a group of people?" Killua asked.

"Strange, but I really like it since I rarely got bored." Gon said with a smile.

"They weren't the kindest but they were caring but had a weird way of showing it," Gon added with a giggle.

"What do you think about your parents?" Killua asked wanting to get to know Gon better. Gon then tilted his head on started to think.

"I am honestly happy they left me in the forest because I probably wouldn't have taken the hunter exam and meant you." Gon said with a smile looking at Killua and gently squeezed his hand. Killua blushed but couldn't look away from Gon's facial expression.

Gon's words were said with full honestly and that made Killua's heart go crazy. "You're so embarrassing!" Killua yelled.

"What? I'm just being honest! " Gon yelled with a laugh. 

That night they both just talked under the stars just like the night before, hand in hand. They both were so happy that night.



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I saw this cute picture on Pinterest and I wanted to put this in this story. Thank you for the 500 views! I really appreciate it and hope this story isn't as trashy as I think. Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter night night. 

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