Chapter 5

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~The boat ride~






Gon was currently getting ready. He wore his red cape with a hood with dark gray shorts and a black tank top underneath. He paired it up with black boots and bandaged his arm up to where his tattoo was. Gon is currently 12 getting ready for the hunter exam.

Last week he was notified that he was going to take the hunter exam. Uvogin said this will make him stronger but it felt like there was another reason for him having to take the hunter exam. He shrugged it off and brushed his hair.

It has been 5 years since he became an official member of the phantom troupe. He has been doing so many missions since then so he is way more mature than he was. But he still likes to have fun and is always bright.

Gon was currently on whale island. The phantom troupe took another short break. Uvogin and he went to whale island since Gon loves It there. He loves nature and found a special spot there.

Uvogin has already left to go to another mission so Gon was alone at the moment. He had a smile on his face and was kind of happy to have a one-month break from everything. He then looked at the clock that was on a small table and gasped at the time.

He was going to be late for the boat if he didn't leave right now. He then ran out of the motel they were staying at. He ran as fast as he can and was there in 3 minutes. He let out a sigh of relief and got on the boat.

Once he was on the boat he immediately heard laughs that were directed to him. "He won't even last a day." "What is a frail kid doing here?" "He's probably going to die before we get there." He heard many people making rude comments about him but he decided to ignore it.

He really didn't care. He then looked up and saw eagles making a warning sign. His eyes slightly widen and closed his eyes. He has a great sense of smell so he then smelled the air and figured out there was going to be a storm.

He looked around for a bit and saw an old man with a caption hat. He walked over to the caption and tapped his shoulder. The caption turned around and saw the small boy. " The boat is headed towards a storm. " Gon said bluntly since it was early in the morning.

The caption raised an eyebrow towards the kid. "How do you know we are headed towards a storm." He asked. Gon just pointed his finger to the eagles that were still making warning signals and flew away.

"The eagles are making signals that there is going to be a storm up ahead. Also, I can smell it." Gon said.

"Is there going to be a big storm?" The caption said. Gon nodded a yes. "Say where are you from kid?" The caption asked.

"Whale Island," Gon said with a happy tone. The caption eyes widen at the black-haired kid.

"Wait, who are-" The caption said but was interrupted by gon.

"You should really do something about the storm because the storm is probably strong enough to sink this boat." Gon said and walked away from the strange old man.


Gon was sleeping peacefully until he can sense lots of people freaking out about something. Gon assumes it was because of the storm since he can feel the boat shaking. Phinks taught Gon how to know what's happening around him when he is sleeping. He was still sleeping but was forced to get up since so many people were being loud.

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