Chapter 2

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It took a lot of convincing to let Gon stay with the Phantom group. But Chrollo could tell that there was something special about Gon. He couldn't quite put his finger on it yet.

Pakunoda then looked into Gon's memories to see what happened to him. All she found out was that Gon's dad left him to die in the forest because he couldn't find anyone to take care of him. She told some of the troupe members of what she found out.

Some of the phantom troupe members were against Gon having to stay with them because he was a burden. But over time they eased up to the adorable child.

Gon wasn't a problematic kid. All he wants to do is play. So he would play with some of the troupe members when they weren't busy.

He also became more mature than kids his age because the phantom troupe would leave him alone somewhere when they have to do missions. When he was 2 years old some of the troupe members would give him easy lessons on how to defend himself and parts of the human body to hit to knock down his opponent.

Sometimes he witnessed one of the troupe members murdering someone right in front of him. Gon didn't mind though because he thought it was normal. He got along with most of the troupe members and was super close with Nobunaga and Uvogin.


(3 years after Gon was found by Nobunaga and Uvogin. He is currently 5 years old)

Gon was sitting alone playing with a doll he had found in an abandoned house when Uvogin and he went exploring a week ago. The troupe were all in a medium-sized cabin somewhere on an island. They were here to get a treasure tomorrow but right now they were relaxing.

Gon was in the living room on the ground. He was wearing black shorts and a gray shirt, he also had lots of bandages wrapped around him from training. Everyone else was in their room doing their own things.

Feitan came down the stairs looking for Gon. He then spotted the small boy sitting in the middle of the living room with his doll. He walked towards the boy and Gon looked up noticing someone's presence.

"Gon, it's time for your training," Feitan said bluntly. Gon started to get goosebumps and nodded at Feitan. He hated when Feitan trained him because he doesn't have any mercy for Gon.

Gon stood up and put his doll on the table and followed Feitan to the basement. Gon was kind of nervous but tried to breathe in and out to relax himself. He always got hurt from training with Feitan so he is sort of scared.

Feitan then grabbed a box that was on a small table. He pulled out a knife and said," I'm going to try to stab you and you are going to try to get the knife out of my hand okay?"

Gon gulped and nodded. He and Feitan have done this before and this helped Gon to get better at being swift and defending himself. But Gon also got stabbed a lot from this little game.

"Okay, one, two, three. Go," Feitan said and started to go towards Gon. Gon dodged him and jumped across the room. He tried to think of ways to get the knife. But he didn't have much time to think when he felt Feitan was behind him and he ducked so he wouldn't get stabbed and kicked Feitan's legs so he would fall.

Gon spends no time getting on top of him and grabbed Feitan's arm where he had the knife. He tried to grab the knife but Feitan had a good grip on it. Gon took his free hand and grabbed Feitan's wrist and squeezed it hard so he would drop the knife. His wrist turned purple and he dropped the knife which Gon took.

He got off of Feitan and giggled at his success. "That was good. Let's do it again." Feitan said as he got back up. Gon nodded and threw the knife at Feitan. He catches the knife and began to count again when they were going to begin.







(4 months after)

Gon was still 5 years old and was climbing a tree. Earlier that day he trained with Uvogin and now he was waiting for the troupe to come back from their mission. It has been 3 hours since they left.

Gon usually goes to a forest and plays around there to make time go faster for him. He was giggling while climbing to the top of the tree.

"Gon!" Someone yelled out. Gon looked down and saw Uvogin. His smile got bigger and he quickly climbed down the tall tree.

"Uvogin! You guys took forever to come back!" Gon playfully whined at the older man. Uvogin chuckled at Gon and smiled at the little child.

He kneeled down and said, "Gon, I have some good news for you."

Gon's eyes sparkled at what Uvogin said and started to shake out of excitement. "What is it?" Gon said curiously.

"Well I've decided to let you kill someone," Uvogin said.

Gon tilted his head at what he said. "Kill someone?" He asked confusedly. Gon didn't really know what It means to kill someone.

"Yeah! It's for your training." Uvogin said happily.

"What does kill mean?" Gon questioned. Sure he has seen the phantom kill so many people but he doesn't know the difference between sleeping and death.

"Uh..." Uvogin said realizing he is in an awkward situation. "Basically stabbing them and making them go to endless sleep."

"Ok! This will make me stronger?" Gon asked the tall man.

"Yes, it will," Uvogin said while chuckling at Gon's enthusiasm. "Let's go," Uvogin said while walking to a town.

It was about 6 pm and the sun was going down when they both walked into the small town. Gon couldn't stop smiling. He was so excited to become stronger that it was hard to be calm. Uvogin kept chuckling seeing Gon's face.

They both ended up in an ally and Uvogin turned to Gon. "Okay kiddo, here," Uvogin said while handing Gon a knife. Gon started at the knife with a big smile. He took it and examined it. "Okay, you see that man over there?" Uvogin said pointing to a man with grocery bags.

"Yeah, I see him." Gon said.

"I want you to kill him without anyone seeing you, okay?" Uvogin said. Gon hummed and nodded at him. He then climbed on a building and started to run silently where the man is heading. Gon looked and saw a ball that was on the roof.

He smiled at the ball and knew exactly what he was going to do. He took the ball and threw it behind the man. He quickly jumped off the building and put his knife on the building so he can slow down his fall so he wouldn't die.

As expected the man looked behind him where the ball was and was wondering how the ball got there and looked around him but when his eyes landed on Gon it was too late. Gon quickly slit his throat and ran into a nearby ally. He then started to run to where he left Uvogin at. After 2 minutes he got there then he heard a woman screamed.

He then spotted Uvogin and smiled. "I did it!" Gon said with a giggle. Uvogin smiled proudly at the young boy and patted his head. "Am I stronger now?" Gon asked.

"Good job Gon! Not yet. You now have to go kill 5 people without being seen and you'll be stronger than before we got here. After that, we can go back to the rest of the troupe. I'll wait here." Uvogin said.

Gon nodded and smiled. Gon quickly ran out of the ally while putting Uvogin's bloody knife in his pocket and looked for his next prey.

Uvogin smiled and wanted to make Gon kill someone to see if he could actually do it. And the answer was yes he could. He then sits on the ground and closes his eyes. A few seconds later he heard people's screams of terror.


1417 words


Next week there will be 2 new chapters of this story since the next one will be a little short. Aren't stars pretty;)

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