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It was currently time for everyone to go home for a 2 week long spring break

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It was currently time for everyone to go home for a 2 week long spring break. Izuku heading home with his bags from the 2-A dorms.

"Mom I'm home!" He yelled opening the front door.

"Izuku I missed you so much!" His mom came and hugged him. "Get some sleep it's late I'm sure we can spend the two week together!" She said before going to her room.

"Goodnight!" He waved before going to his room to sleep. He stays on his phone for a little and drifts off into a slumber.


Izuku wakes up and the sun is shining in through his bedroom window giving him sunkisses. He then gets up to wash his face and brush his teeth before going to see what for breakfast. Izuku see's a note on the fridge from his mom, it says.

-Sorry I know I said we would spend some time together but I had to go groceries shopping be back soon! Love Mom-

He puts the note on the counter and decides to take a shower and get some fresh. As Izuku walks around he sees a dark mysterious forest that he's never seen in around before.

"Is the new or is it someone's quirk, how could I have never noticed this it's right behind my house." He mumbled before walking into the dark forest out of curiosity.

The deeper into the forest he goes the foggier it gets. Then after walking for at least 5 minutes he starts to see a bright light. It then reveals' a bright beautiful forest with flowers and vines growing on the trees. Some tree roots sticking out and the grass was greener then normal grass. There were all sorts of animals you would find in a forest and butterfly everywhere.

And a single tree stump in that had flower vines growing from it. Luckily for Izuku he had one of his journals with him so he decided to sit on the tree stump and try to draw the scenery.

Unluckily for him that tree stump was not normal, the second he sat down roots started to wrap around his legs and arms so he couldn't move. Then a girl who looked about his age flew down from the sky in front of him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here"

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