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"Are you guys ready?"

"Let's goooooooo" Kaji yelled running out of the forest with his arms waving in the air

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"Let's goooooooo" Kaji yelled running out of the forest with his arms waving in the air.

"Kaji wait- ugh that boy!!" y/n frustratedly threw her head back before chasing after him.

"Guess that mean we can go too!" Yammi dashed out of the forest with the rest following.

As Izuku followed behind them he saw how fascinated they were to see the outside world.

"WOW WOW look look it's a building!!" Yammi squealed pointing to the building. "I've never seen one in real life before!" She jumped up and down.

"Gotcha!" y/n grabbed Kaji and held him under her arm. "You're such a trouble maker."

"Look people!" Emi whispered from behind Izuku in fear.

They all ran and coward behind Izuku and y/n, most would expect y/n to be scared too. But she actually got used to it the first time she went out.

"Sorry they're a little shy." Izuku smiled at the people walking by them.

y/n just waved at them as they gave her a questionable look as to how she was holding the child under her arm.

"What an odd family..." The woman whispered to the woman beside her as they walk passed.

"They must engage in sexual activity a lot considering how many kids they have, ahh to be young again..." The other lady shook her head and smiled.

Izuku turned into red broccoli after hearing what that lady said. Even y/n was blushing considering that she learned what sexual activity was when her younger siblings were being conceived.

"Izuku what does it mean to engage in sexual acti-" before Hana could finish that sentence she was quickly cut off.

"Well aren't we supposed to be at a amusement park hehehehe..." Izuku nervously laughed.

"T-then l-lead the way!" y/n said avoiding eye contact with him.

"YAY LET'S GOOOOOO!" Kaji tried to jump out of y/n arm but she tightened her grip on him.

"Nope you're not going anywhere, I wish you had a leash on you!"


In the end they ended up buying a backpack leash for him.

"What should we do first?" y/n asked.

"That one that one!" Hana excited l pointed to the tallest roller coaster.

"Let's start with something smaller..." y/n said "Like that." she pointed to the tea cup ride.

Once they got on the ride Emi, Yammi and Kaji all sat together (because they were small enough).

While Hana, Hoka, Izuku, and y/n sat together ( because Hana and Hoka are even smaller)

"FASTER FASTER!" Kaji yelled and started spinning the wheel even faster.

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